Year 3 Update Wk 34
- Monday 18th June – Public Holiday
- Tuesday 19th June – Year 3 bake sale
- Monday 25th June – End of Year Reports to parents
- Friday 29th June – End of Term 3. School finishes at 12pm.
In English this week the children have continued to look at the text type exposition with the purpose of writing to persuade. The children have started to use arguments and looked at how to organise these into a framework. 3A have completed their first debate based on a video they watched. 3F and 3S will complete this next week. In their writing, the children have been asked to think about explaining their argument with reasons and examples.They have been focussing on expanding on their ideas and have been trying to use connectors to help them write complex sentences. In reading lessons they have also continued to look at making connections. They are now putting into practise being able to make links between the text and what they already know. They have looked at text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections.
By working together people can achieve more.
We will be inquiring into:
- Shared goals in group situations (connection)
- Skills and behaviour that support collaboration (responsibility)
- Impact of their behaviour on a shared goal (reflection)
This coming week the children will be doing a second playground observation during the Y4-6 playtime and reflecting on the behaviours they saw the first observation. The Year 3 classes will continue with their circle time sessions which the children are really enjoying. During the sessions the children get the chance to play circle games and talk about different issues that are affecting them, building on their self-esteem. The children will be completing and reflecting on their collaborative art piece. Next week with Ms Jeves, the children will work towards resolving disagreements by using the appropriate words to solve problems with others.
The Mathletics activities will be active over the summer holidays, so your child can continue to practise their skills. The Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the activities.
The children will continue their debating skills focussing on using their persuasive language. 3F and 3S will watch a video showing a problem and begin a class debate over whose fault it is. They will focus on sentence starters and use persuasive language in their debate. The children will be continuing their writing practice. They will be completing the plan and writing their own exposition, about a subject of their choice.
Towards the end of term, the students will be revising the comprehension cues they have learned about over the year. This includes making connections, inferring, self-monitoring, summarising and synthesising, questioning and visualising.
Congratulations to all the Golden Book winners this week.
3A – Ernest Chan
3F- Gabrielle Leung
3F- Shaun Ho
3S –
Mandarin- Natalie Chau
Mandarin- Davy Wong