Year 3 Update Wk 20
- Tuesday 6th February – Year 2 Bake Sale (please bring a reusable container to eat the baked good from)
- Friday 9th February – 3A Class Assembly
- Monday 12th February – China Day
- Tuesday 13th February – Chinese New Year Performance
- Thursday 15th February – Break up 12.00pm
- have fun
- you can perform in groups or solo
- the dance should be around 1 minute
- heats for the competition will take place at lunchtime after CNY
- sign up sheets are in every classroom
- there will be a lower school and upper competition
You can support your child by helping them create and rehearse their dance.
Please send them to school. There will be a collection box in the school foyer. Any books you can donate will be spread our love of reading.
Scientists learn about forces and motion through the scientific process
- Types of forces (form)
- Forces affect the motion of objects (connection)
- Scientific process (function)
Next week, the children will continue their work on the scientific inquiry cycle and inquire into the different types of forces.
The children will be inquiring into:
- Identifying the standard units used to measure length / mass / capacity
- How we measure objects with accuracy
- How we solve problems involving measurement
Next week the children will finish their unit on measurement by investigating capacity. They will then move onto exploring data handling. They will also continue their work in class on some mental maths strategies.
Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the activities.
This coming week we will continue to look at the features of a procedural text and start to write a procedure independently on a program they use at school. They will focus on going and editing their work using a procedural checklist.
Visualising is a very important part of reading and makes reading meaningful. During this unit we will be helping the children to create images and ‘movies’ in their heads as they read a text. At home they can practise creating images when they read and also when they are read to. Talk together about what you see and see if it is different.
Cold Weather Clothing
Thank you for making sure the children have their names in their clothing. Can we also ask that the children only wear layers over the top of their sport’s kit as many children get very hot and sweaty and waste a lot of their lesson time removing the under layers as they are underneath their t-shirts.