2 Feb 2018

Year 3 Update Wk 20

  • Tuesday 6th February – Year 2 Bake Sale (please bring a reusable container to eat the baked good from)
  • Friday 9th February – 3A Class Assembly
  • Monday 12th February – China Day
  • Tuesday 13th February – Chinese New Year Performance
  • Thursday 15th February – Break up 12.00pm
Keeping our playground clean
In January lots of children bought cakes from the Y5 bake sale. The cakes are given to the children in a tissue. Unfortunately tissue cannot be recycled in Hong Kong and so will now have to go to the landfills. Also, many children left bits of cake and tissue on the floor. It would be great if on bake sale days (the next one is on the 6th of February) the children could please bring a reusable container to school to put the cake in while they eat it to stop the rubbish problem. The next bake sale is at the beginning of February, thank you very much.

Student Council Fruity Friday
The last term we surveyed our students to find out how we can make BHS even better.  A lot of students wanted Fruity Friday back.  This is an opportunity for you to help your child have delicious and healthy snacks at least once a week.  Can you please support and encourage your child to bring in a fruity snack each Friday.  We do not want processed snacks with fruit in them as they contain preservatives and man-made sugar.  Thank you in advance for your support.  Fruity Friday starts on Friday 19th January.
 Connor, Vien, Alena and Alice, Student Council
BHS Dance Off 2018
On Monday, in our assembly, the Student Council launched our BHS Dance Off.  This is a fun event for children who enjoy dancing.  We will hold heats after CNY during lunchtime where participants will have the opportunity to perform their dance.  If they are successful then they will perform their dance at the International Food fair. If your child is interested here is some useful information
  • have fun 
  • you can perform in groups or solo
  • the dance should be around 1 minute
  • heats for the competition will take place at lunchtime after CNY
  • sign up sheets are in every classroom
  • there will be a lower school and upper competition

You can support your child by helping them create and rehearse their dance.

Image result for story telling
Mother Tongue Story Telling
This Monday the children were all invited to listen to the Mother Tongue Story Group and really enjoyed hearing the stories. A group of parents tell stories to our students in their mother tongue during lunchtimes.  As you can imagine this is very popular with our students and is a great way to share the range of languages we speak within our community.  If you are interested please click here to add your details.  Any time you can give and to any year group is really appreciated.  For those interested we can meet to discuss logistics in more details.  If you have any questions please email me at andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk.
Book Drive
Hi, my name is Muchan, a Student Councillor for 5C.  I am organising a Book Drive to help spread my love of reading.  The Sony Corporation will collect books to create mobile libraries in South Africa for schools that do not have enough books.  If you have books that are:

Please send them to school.  There will be a collection box in the school foyer. Any books you can donate will be spread our love of reading.

Thank you to the parents who remembered to provide their child with a reusable container for pizza lunch on Tuesday. We really appreciate your support in helping to reduce waste and help BHS become a greener school. If you could please remember to pack a reusable container for the next bake sale next Tuesday 6th February. 
During Inquiry the children were introduced to BHS’ primary scientific inquiry cycle. The class then used the inquiry cycle to begin to generate questions they could ask if they were to do a ramp investigation.
In Maths the students continued to investigate mass, they looked at using non standard units to find things that were the same / heavier / lighter than a dictionary and a 1kg weight. We used grams to help us find the weight of items around the classroom. 
In English we continued to look at the features of a procedural text. We watched a video on how to make a parachute and as a class wrote it as a procedure. 


Scientists learn about forces and motion through the scientific process

  1. Types of forces (form)
  2. Forces affect the motion of objects (connection)
  3. Scientific process (function)

Next week, the children will continue their work on the scientific inquiry cycle and inquire into the different types of forces. 


The children will be inquiring into:

  1. Identifying  the standard units used to measure length / mass / capacity
  2. How we measure objects with accuracy
  3. How we solve problems involving measurement

Next week the children will finish their unit on measurement by investigating capacity. They will then move onto exploring data handling. They will also continue their work in class on some mental maths strategies.

 Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the activities.     

Visualising is a very important part of reading and makes reading meaningful. During this unit we will be helping the children to create images and ‘movies’ in their heads as they read a text. At home they can practise creating images when they read and also when they are read to. Talk together about what you see and see if it is different.

Year 3 will read books from Big Universe on a Monday and Friday. They will borrow home readers on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 
Well done to all the children who got the award this week!
3A – Himani Baid
3F – Ivan Lee
3S – Sin Lam Yeung
The new home learning themes have also been shared with your child, please discuss with them some ideas on how they might like to present their theme. Please support your child as necessary over the next 12 days ready to bring their projects in to share on Wednesday 7th February 2018. We look forward to seeing all the different creative ways they choose to share their chosen theme.
 Please make sure that they spend time at the weekend learning their five individualised words. In the back of their Spelling Journal is a list of words for the Unit. Students can learn these if they wish to challenge themselves. You could also use these words to discuss their meaning and put them into sentences together. 
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
Ms Lynn (Home Learning) – Please read this week’s assigned book in Mandarin Matrix。
Ms Xu: 熟读学过的课文。完成“googleclassroom”练习。借书读书。