Year 3 Update Wk 16
- Monday 11th December – Year 3 Christmas Party
- Thursday 14th December – Christmas Concert (7:00pm – 8:30pm)
- Friday 15th December – Reports are available on Gateway
- Friday 15th December – End of Term (finish at 12:00pm)
- Monday 8th January – First day of Term 2
Your child’s portfolio will be sent home on Friday 15th December. This is a great opportunity to share your child’s learning journey this term. If you are leaving for the holidays early please let your teacher know so that they can be handed out before you go. All portfolios need to be returned on the first day back at school.
Christmas Party
It is the Year 3 Christmas party on Monday. Students will come to school in their party clothes and will bring a plate of food to share with no more than six people. All Secret Friend presents should already be at school, if not please ask your child to bring it in on Monday.
Old SCMP or similar
If you have any old copies of the SCMP or similar sized newspaper, please send in to be used for party games on Monday.
BHS Action Day
Students were busy packing bags of food today with the money that was raised on the Action Day earlier in the term. Over 1500 bags were packed and it was a great team effort by the whole school to help those in Hong Kong who are less fortunate than ourselves.
We still have a few clay houses at school. If your child has not brought theirs home, please send in a small box so it can be transported home safely.
Please remember to make sure that your child is wearing layers in this changeable weather. It is better they wear short sleeves with a jumper and fleece as layers can be added or removed as necessary.
The interaction between body systems helps us to keep healthy and survive.
- How the body systems work (function)
- Interdependence and independence between the body systems (connection)
- Impact of lifestyle choices on the body systems (responsibility)
Next week we will finish looking at the body systems we have been focussing on in class. For each system we examine:
What does each system do?
How does the system do its job?
What are the different parts of the system?
How do we look after each body system?
How is it linked to the other systems?
The students will then choose which body system they want to investigate further in the New Year. Initial research will begin next week on answering the above questions and thoughts on how they want to present their work.
Fractions are ways of representing parts of a whole. We will be inquiring into
- Equivalent fractions
- Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Next week we will finish our focus on fractions. We will explore further using a fraction wall to discuss equivalent fractions. We will end this topic with a summative assessment.
Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the activities.