Year 2 Update Week 8
Monday 7th – Friday 11th October – Half Term : school closed
Friday 18th October – PTA Bowling Night
Friday 25th October – Continuous Professional Development Day : school closed
Home Learning
Please remember to help your child to use the handwriting guide at the front of the sentence writing booklet when they are completing their sentences. The sentence writing book goes home on a Friday and must be returned on the following Wednesday.
We have started individual reading assessments. Please note that due to the nature of these individual assessments, these take some time and we will update you on your child’s reading level during the parent consultation evenings.
We have noticed that some of the children are having difficulty remembering to bring their library book bags on their library days. Please make sure that you and any other care-givers responsible for helping your child get ready for the day, know when their library days are and bring their bags and books on the appropriate day as per below. There are so many amazing books in the library, we don’t want anyone to miss out!
Please ensure that your child has a BHS sun hat everyday. They will also need a water bottle. As it is quite hot, it would be useful for your child to bring in a small towel to wipe themselves down after break times. All items brought to school must be named.
Uniform Online Ordering System
Uniform orders will now be made online and no longer be purchased directly from PTA office.
Payment by cheque (place in tray at reception).
Once cheque is received, the order will be processed and sent direct to classrooms, including the link for ordering:
PE kit | Library Bag | |
2F | Monday, Tuesday, Friday | Wednesday |
2K | Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | Friday |
2W | Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | Friday |
Unit of Inquiry
2W had some of their questions answered on their trip to the landfill. They were able to see the huge waste problem HK faces. Ask your child about what they found out about it.
The children have been further exploring issues connected to sharing the planet and making green choices. The classes have used art as one way to stimulate their thinking about the environment.
The children have been developing their writing by focusing on what writers do, such as:
- Re-reading their writing and developing their ideas.
- Making sure their writing makes sense.
- Using interesting words.
The children have been focusing on using capital letters and full stops in their sentence writing.
During reading sessions the children have been thinking about how readers ask questions before, during and after their reading.
In Maths, the children have been playing some mathematical games to reinforce and practise their understanding of addition and subtraction.
Air Quality
To ensure the health and safety of the children at Beacon Hill School, we monitor air quality and on low air quality days the children stay in during play times. That has been the case for a few days this week. Therefore, please note that your child might really appreciate the chance to get active over the weekend. We have also discussed how we need to look after our environment as it can impact our daily life.
People’s choices impact the environment
Lines of inquiry:
- How everyday choices can impact the environment (causation)
- How what happens to materials when we are done with them (function)
- Possible actions that we can take (responsibility)
The children will continue to reflect and think about ways that they can make changes in order to make the world a better place.
The children will be looking at the patterns and textures of natural materials and creating art with it.
Year long unit or inquiry
Central idea: Our experiences affect our wellbeing
Lines of inquiry:
- People respond differently to experiences(perspectives)
- Our thoughts affect our feelings and actions (causation)
- Ways we can take responsibility for our wellbeing (responsibility)
The children will start to look at what it means to be a learner and how they can enhance their wellbeing through the wellbeing focus of KEEP LEARNING.
CENTRAL IDEA: The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other.
An inquiry into:
- How we solve problems using addition and subtraction
- Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction
- The language and symbols of addition and subtraction
In Maths, the children will be investigating addition and subtraction through some practical activities involving money. They will also be looking at some strategies to help develop their mental maths. The children will be playing mathematical games to reinforce and practise their understanding of addition and subtraction.
The children will be thinking about how writers choose and develop their ideas. They will creating a book about a chosen topic.
Comprehension Strategy: Questioning – readers ask themselves questions before, during and after reading.
The children will be focusing on what makes a good question and they will be doing this through a range of questions.
FMS Parent Volunteers
If you are unable to help on any day, please contact so that the teachers can be informed. It is always great too if you know other parents who may be available to help in your place. Thank you for giving up your time to support us..