Year 2 Update Week 18
Tuesday 14th January – Year 2 Bake sale
Friday 17th January – 2F class assembly, 9am school hall.
Monday 20th January – CNY Dim Sum Trip (please see e-notice)
Thursday 24th January – Chinese cultural activities day, children to wear traditional chinese clothing. School closes 3pm for CNY holidays
Monday 3rd February – BHS CPD day, school closed for children
Tuesday 4th February – School resumes
Home Learning
Please remember to help your child to use the handwriting guide at the front of the sentence writing booklet when they are completing their sentences. The sentence writing book goes home on a Friday and must be returned on the following Wednesday.
We have started our new unit of inquiry into how geographical features affect our experiences. The children have looked at maps of the world. Thanks to those who have added photographs from their Christmas holidays showing geographical features and different experiences that you enjoyed. We shall discuss these photos throughout the unit.
In Maths, the children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. The focus has been describing the shapes using appropriate vocabulary.
In their writing, the children have been starting to use descriptive language to describe what they can see from their homes.
Geography influences our experiences
Lines of inquiry:
- The significant features of places -form
- How the features of a place influence our experiences -causation
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection
The children will be looking at where Hong Kong is in relation to the rest of the world. They will be looking at the geographical features of HK and how these influences the activities we can do. The children will then do this for other parts of the world.
Year long unit or inquiry
Central idea: Our experiences affect our wellbeing
Lines of inquiry:
- People respond differently to experiences(perspectives)
- Our thoughts affect our feelings and actions (causation)
- Ways we can take responsibility for our wellbeing (responsibility)
The children are acknowledging how their bodies feel and learning different strategies to help them to relax.
CENTRAL IDEA: Shapes are classified and named according to their properties
Learning outcomes:
- Sort, describe, construct and label familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment using appropriate vocabulary
- Identify and record examples of symmetry in the environment
- Describe position and direction using mathematical vocabulary for example, left, right, forwards, backwards North, South, East, West
In Maths, the children will be inquiring into shapes by using a variety of manipulations and construction materials as well as solving real life problems involving shape.
The children have learned to play ‘Guess my shape’. Please ask your child how to play this and have some fun playing together.
The children are discovering how writers use images to help readers understand important ideas and information.
The children will also learn how their word choices can enhance their descriptive writing.
Comprehension Strategy: visualising
The children will be creating pictures in their minds when they read or listen to texts. This strategy helps them to develop imagery in their heads to help recall, make connections and have deeper comprehension of the text.
FMS Parent Volunteers
If you are unable to help on any day, please contact so that the teachers can be informed. It is always great too if you know other parents who may be available to help in your place. Thank you for giving up your time to support us. We are looking for some parent volunteers from 2K to support FMS in Term 2 on Tuesdays from 1.30-3.00pm, please contact if you are able to help.