29 Nov 2019

Year 2 Update Week 15

Tuesday 3rd December – Year 2 Pizza lunch

Friday 6th December –  2K Assembly at 9:00am

Friday 6th December – PTA disco (children need to bring a plastic container and cup for their snack)

Tuesday 10th December – Visit to LEAP Centre

Wednesday 11th December – Year 2 Christmas party(information to follow)

Wednesday 11th December- BHS Christmas Concert

Thursday 12th December – Yr 5 Big Business Market (See information below)

Friday 13th December – School term ends at 12 noon

Home Learning

Please remember to help your child to use the handwriting guide at the front of the sentence writing booklet when they are completing their sentences. The sentence writing book goes home on a Friday and must be returned on the following Wednesday.

From the Year 5s
As part of their inquiry into marketplaces, the Year 5 students will be hosting a Christmas Market for the school on Thursday 12th December in the school hall. They will be selling handmade Christmas craft and Christmas-themed food and drink items.
Students are invited to bring along $80-100 to shop. We also encourage them to attend the market with a reusable shopping bag and an empty snack container for any food items they may purchase.
All profits from the day will go to support ImpactHK. This is a local charity that supports the homeless community with kindness and empowering them for change. Children from Beacon Hill have supported ImpactHK in the past through kindness walks and donations from one of the House Days. Please visit the link below to find out more about ImpactHK:
Please be reminded that children should not be bringing in any nut products for their snack or lunch.


People show events are important through celebrations and traditions.

Lines of inquiry:

  • Features of traditions and celebrations (form)
  • Why people celebrate (causation)
  • Similarities and differences between different celebrations (connection)

The children are continuing to inquire into different traditions and celebrations. They are looking at similarities between them. The children are continuing to design their clay pieces with Ms Cassie to develop their skills with clay to create a celebration themed object. They are also having some extra time with Mr Gibson to focus on music associated with celebrations.


Year long unit or inquiry

Central idea: Our experiences affect our wellbeing

Lines of inquiry:

  • People respond differently to experiences(perspectives)
  • Our thoughts affect our feelings and actions (causation)
  • Ways we can take responsibility for our wellbeing (responsibility)

The children are looking at different feelings that they have and that all feelings are OK to have. It is what you do with your feelings that count. The children will be looking at different strategies to help them relax when they are experiencing strong emotions.

CENTRAL IDEA: Fractions are a way of representing part of a whole


An inquiry into:

  • Fractions of shapes
  • Fractions of amounts
  • How to make simple fractions
  • The language of fractions

In Maths, the children will be inquiring into fractions. They will be given practical opportunities to explore fractions of shapes and amounts.



The children will be thinking about how writers choose and develop their ideas. They will continue creating books and start some celebration poetry.

Comprehension Strategy: Determining Importance

The children will be focusing on what is relevant to their question when reading and what is just interesting information.


2F – Celina Xue
Aleena Jabeen
Emma Wong
2W – Emily Lo
Sophie Lac
Raina Law
2K – Thea Siu
Kaitlyn Song
Kaylee Lui
Megan Wong
Fun Maths Activities

Practise your number bonds with these bubble games:

Bonds to 10

Bonds to 20

Bonds to 30

Home Sentence Writing Book
The children will bring home a sentence writing book today. There are 5 words inside which the children will need to practise writing. They then need to think of a sentence for that word and write it in the book. The children need to think carefully about their handwriting.
This is due back on Wednesday.
Home Reading
Well done to the children who have brought in the home reading journal each day this week. Thank you to the parents who have been signing the home reading journal. In Year 2 the children will read from Big Universe on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They can choose from K to Grade 2 as this is equivalent to the reading ages of the children in Year 2. You will also need to select the language as English.
Please read at home with your child each day and sign their Reading Journal. Please encourage your child to write the date and title in their Reading Journal. 

FMS Parent Volunteers

If you are unable to help on any day, please contact susan.chung@bhs.edu.hk so that the teachers can be informed.  It is always great too if you know other parents who may be available to help in your place.  Thank you for giving up your time to support us.  We are looking for some parent volunteers from 2K to support FMS in Term 2, please complete the enotice if you are able to help.

From the Year 5s
As part of their inquiry into marketplaces, the Year 5 students will be hosting a Christmas Market for the school on Thursday 12th December in the school hall. They will be selling handmade Christmas craft and Christmas-themed food and drink items.
Students are invited to bring along $80-100 to shop. We also encourage them to attend the market with a reusable shopping bag and an empty snack container for any food items they may purchase.
All profits from the day will go to support ImpactHK. This is a local charity that supports the homeless community with kindness and empowering them for change. Children from Beacon Hill have supported ImpactHK in the past through kindness walks and donations from one of the House Days. Please visit the link below to find out more about ImpactHK: