21 Oct 2019

Year 2 Update Week 11

Friday 1st November – Your child’s first UOI report will be open for viewing from 5pm

Monday 4th November – Year 2 Pitch

2K is in need of some parent volunteers for their Thursday FMS sessions at 12:00-12:45 until Christmas. Please email Ms Chung if you are able to help.

Home Learning

Please remember to help your child to use the handwriting guide at the front of the sentence writing booklet when they are completing their sentences. The sentence writing book goes home on a Friday and must be returned on the following Wednesday.

PE kit Library Bag
2F Monday, Tuesday, Friday Wednesday
2K Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday
2W Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Friday


Unit of Inquiry

The children have been finding out more about Diwali and Halloween. Thanks to Mrs Mulligan and Mrs Mehek who came to talk to the children about how they celebrate these festivals.


The children have been looking at ways to improve their sentences.

During reading sessions the children have been determining importance – looking for the key information in a text.


In Maths, the children have been starting to look at the months of the year. They have been naming, ordering and solving problems related to calendars. They have linked celebrations to the months of the year.


People show events are important through celebrations and traditions.

Lines of inquiry:

  • Features of traditions and celebrations (form)
  • Why people celebrate (causation)
  • Similarities and differences between different celebrations (connection)

The children will be inquiring into different celebrations and creating some poetry. During this unit, the children have started to work with Ms Cassie to develop their skills with clay to create a celebration themed object. They are also having some extra time with Mr Gibson to focus on music associated with celebrations.


Year long unit or inquiry

Central idea: Our experiences affect our wellbeing

Lines of inquiry:

  • People respond differently to experiences(perspectives)
  • Our thoughts affect our feelings and actions (causation)
  • Ways we can take responsibility for our wellbeing (responsibility)

The children will start to look at the different feelings that they have and that all feelings are OK to have. It is what you do with your feelings that count.

CENTRAL IDEA: Measurement involves comparing, ordering and sequencing objects and events.


An inquiry into:

  • Identify and record dates of events on a calendar
  • Name and order the months of the year and seasons.

In Maths, the children will be continuing to explore calendars and how they work. They will have the opportunity to solve challenging problems.

Please reinforce what they have been learning at school about the names and number of days in months and weeks. Ask your child if they know how many days there are in a year.



The children will be thinking about how writers choose and develop their ideas. They will continue creating books and start some celebration poetry.

Comprehension Strategy: Determining Importance

The children will be focusing on what is relevant to their question when reading and what is just interesting information.


2F – Yan Lap Lam
2W – Ishaan Joshi
2K – Scott Wong
Fun Maths Activities
To support your child at home try out this fun Maths activity. Empty your wallet or purse and ask your child to count your money. Top tip: focus on dollars under $100 first and don’t worry if they are confused about the cents.
Home Sentence Writing Book
The children will bring home a sentence writing book today. There are 5 words inside which the children will need to practise writing. They then need to think of a sentence for that word and write it in the book. The children need to think carefully about their handwriting.
This is due back on Wednesday.
Home Reading
Well done to the children who have brought in the home reading journal each day this week. Thank you to the parents who have been signing the home reading journal. In Year 2 the children will read from Big Universe on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They can choose from K to Grade 2 as this is equivalent to the reading ages of the children in Year 2. You will also need to select the language as English.
Please read at home with your child each day and sign their Reading Journal. Please encourage your child to write the date and title in their Reading Journal. 


FMS Parent Volunteers

If you are unable to help on any day, please contact susan.chung@bhs.edu.hk so that the teachers can be informed.  It is always great too if you know other parents who may be available to help in your place.  Thank you for giving up your time to support us..