26 Oct 2018

Year 2 Update Week 9

  • Wednesday 31st October: second PITCH session for Year 2
  • Tuesday 30th October (2K),  Wednesday 31st October (2F), 1st November (2D) – Visit to SENT Landfill
The children have been given a new spelling card today. They will need to learn the first list for next Friday.


Our latest Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to http://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/beacon-hill-1 to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend in BHS’ Book Club, our school will earn 20c in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by November 23rd, 2018.


PE Kit Library Bags
2D Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday
2F Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Thursday
2K Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday

On Tuesday, the children had the opportunity to listen to a presentation given by Plastic Free Seas. They learned all about what happens when plastic ends up in the oceans. The children really impressed us with their listening skills.


The children had great fun at the pitch on Wednesday. They were able to play with a variety of different sports equipment.

On Thursday, the children really enjoyed sowing seeds with Mr Melsom.


On Friday, Confidence House learned about the charity which they will be supporting. Their House Captain, Ryan, told them all about UNICEF.


Central idea

People’s choices can impact the environment

Lines of inquiry:

  1. Types of waste (form)
  2. What happens to waste (change)
  3. Choices people make to sustain the environment (responsibility)

The children will continue to inquire into the types of waste we produce, where it comes from and where it goes. The children will visit the SENT landfill to get first-hand information on where our waste goes and what happens to it at the landfill. The children will be learning how to use the Puppet Edu app and using this to record information about their inquiry.



Addition and Subtraction

Central Idea: The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other (and are used to process information to solve problems)

An inquiry into:

  • How we solve problems using addition and subtraction
  • Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction
  • The language and symbols of addition and subtraction

The children will be working towards the following outcomes:

  • Recall addition facts for numbers to at least 20
  • Model addition and subtraction of whole numbers
  • Represent and solve addition problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies.
  • Represent and solve subtraction problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies
  • Use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations

The children will continue to focus on addition and number facts up to 20. They will also start to explore how the jump strategy can help them to solve calculations involving 2 digit numbers.

The children will explore number facts by using a variety of manipulatives such as Numicon and number lines. They will also play some games.

Please spend some time on Mathletics each week and complete the activities on addition and subtraction.



Writing focus: Writing to persuade

Text Type:

Words are used to communicate an idea in order to influence people and make them think. 

The children will look at a range of persuasive texts and begin to identify the language features.

In reading, the focus is self-monitoring and summarising and synthesising. The children will develop their understanding of reading for meaning. They will be continuing to use SCOOP to help them retell the stories they have read.

Well done to:
2K – Sherisse Shek

2D – Joy Chan

2F – Trilby Duke

SLT Award – Lincoln Chu (2K) and Celine Razon (2K)
Your child will need to learn the first list of spellings on the card.
Home Reading
Please read at home with your child each day and sign their Reading Journal. Please encourage your child to write the date and title in their Reading Journal, including for Big Universe.
In Big Universe, select ‘Library’. On the right-hand side you will be able to select the ‘grade’ for your child. The appropriate grade selection is kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade. This covers the age group of our children at BHS.
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

At BHS we have lots of great clubs which our students really enjoy so Ms Chung challenged us to create even more!   As the student councillors, we interviewed our friends and classmates to find out their favourite clubs. We were wondering if any parents would like to help run these clubs?  Do not panic! You do not need to be an expert or world champion, just enthusiastic and willing to help. This could be as a one off session or more, it is up to you. Please click on this google form to volunteer.  The Student Council will then get in contact with you to organise the club.  We will help with all the logistics such as venue, students and resources.

Thank you for any help you can give us.