Year 2 Update Week 12
Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd November – Y4 Camp
Please note, Miss Fisher will be supporting Y4 camp and will not be in school. She will be covered by a supply teacher during this time so please use the Home School Diary for communication rather than email. The school office will also be able to help if needed.
Wednesday 21st November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations
Friday 23rd November – Scholastic online order deadline.
Friday 23rd November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations
Tuesday 27th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations
Wednesday 12th December – Christmas Concert 7pm – If your child is in the Junior Choir, you do not need to buy them a ticket
Friday 14th December – Last day of Term 1….12pm finish
Our latest Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to http://world-schools.
Please place your order online by November 23rd, 2018.Any books your parents order online will be sent to Hong Kong and delivered to your classroom (in time for the Christmas holidays, I hope!)
PE Kit | Library Bags | |
2D | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | Thursday |
2F | Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | Thursday |
2K | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | Wednesday |
Unit of Inquiry
This week the children have started talking about choices they can make that will have a positive impact on the environment. The different classes have started putting those choices into action in different ways; some have reused materials to make toys, others have been reading about the 4 Rs and some have buried waste under soil to explore which items rot (decompose) and which ones don’t.
We said goodbye to Kowloon Tsai pitch for another year this Wednesday. The teachers were stationed around the pitch offering different activities and the students were given free choice over what they would like to do. They thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait to go back next year!
In Maths, the children have been applying jump strategy to a range of different subtraction and addition problems and challenges. They have also been exploring the connection between subtraction and addition by creating fact families.
In English, the children have been using persuasive language features, such as using causal connectives (because, so), questioning, exaggeration (“Everyone knows that…”) and conditional sentences (If … then …) to create posters persuading people to be more environmentally friendly.
They have continued using a range of comprehension strategies while self-monitoring when reading. This week some of the classes have focused on Determining Importance – finding the important points! Some have been able to apply this knowledge and use it to synthesise information, coming to an understanding about what the main idea of the text is.
Central idea:
People’s choices can impact the environment
Lines of inquiry:
- Types of waste (form)
- What happens to waste (change)
- Choices people make to sustain the environment (responsibility)
Next week the children will evaluate the choices that they can make to positively impact the environment. They will then pledge to put these into action!
The children are learning the following song with Mr Gibson. They can practise with music below.
Addition and Subtraction
Central Idea: The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other (and are used to process information to solve problems)
An inquiry into:
- How we solve problems using addition and subtraction
- Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction
- The language and symbols of addition and subtraction
The children will be working towards the following outcomes:
- Recall addition facts for numbers to at least 20
- Model addition and subtraction of whole numbers
- Represent and solve addition problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies.
- Represent and solve subtraction problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies
- Use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations
Next week the children will be finishing their work with addition and subtraction for the time being by using jump strategy, as well as their knowledge of addition and subtraction fact families, to solve a range of word problems. They will then look at the concept of time.
Measure ~ Time
Central Idea: Measurement involves comparing, ordering and sequencing objects and events
Read and write the time to the hour and half hour.
Identify and record dates of events on a calendar.
Name and order the months of the year and seasons.
Describe duration using months, weeks, days hours and minutes.
- Use a calendar to count and record days, weeks and months.
- Order events with respect to time and how long they take using terms like “this takes more/less time than.
- Use a time line to order daily events.
- Beginning to match the time between analogue and digital clocks
- Recognise ‘key times’ on an analogue clock and tell the time of day on digital and analogue clocks in hours and half hours.
Next week the children will look into time. They will draw their own clocks, make times and read times to the hour and half past. They will look at the calendar.
Writing focus: Writing to persuade
Words are used to communicate an idea in order to influence people and make them think.
The children will look at a range of persuasive texts and begin to identify the language features.
In reading, the focus is self-monitoring and summarising and synthesising. The children have been doing a fantastic job of summarising in their own words. Next week, the children will read a range of sources of information about the environment and taking action and will have the opportunity to apply all of their comprehension strategies to come to a better understanding of the text.
Next week, the children will write a letter to parents to persuade them to make green choices and help the environment.
2D – Joshua Duke & Alfie Lo
2F – Megan Chan
Games and Activities to Develop Vocabulary
We have noticed that many of our Year 2 children would benefit from developing a broader vocabulary. With this in mind, we would like to recommend some games you can easily play at home, or on the move that will give your child the opportunity to develop their awareness and language skills.
- I Spy With My Little Eye
Benefits: vocabulary development, phonics and spelling awareness, observation skills and focus
Equipment: None
Number of players: Unlimited
Location: Anywhere!
Say, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with …” Start playing the game using objects in the room you can see. Begin with obvious items and over time move to more discreet objects. You can vary the game by using the initial sounds (phonics), or letters (spelling) or even colours or numbers. You can increase the challenge level by saying, “I spy with my little eye, something that ends in …”
- Word Association Game
Benefits: vocabulary development, fluency, memory and recall
Equipment: None
Number of players: Pairs are good, but more players possible if everyone takes turns
Location: Anywhere!
The first player, chosen randomly, says one word out loud. The other player has to quickly say a word that has some connection with the previous word. Players lose if …
- They take more than three seconds to make a connection.
- They repeat a word that has already been said in this game.
- They are challenged and loses the vote.
The last player standing is the winner.
For example, one sequences of words might be:
– Bus
– Stop
– Go
– Green
– Grass
– Garden
– Flower
Other well known games we would recommend include, Pictionary, Charades
At BHS we have lots of great clubs which our students really enjoy so Ms Chung challenged us to create even more! As the student councillors, we interviewed our friends and classmates to find out their favourite clubs. We were wondering if any parents would like to help run these clubs? Do not panic! You do not need to be an expert or world champion, just enthusiastic and willing to help. This could be as a one off session or more, it is up to you. Please click on this google form to volunteer. The Student Council will then get in contact with you to organise the club. We will help with all the logistics such as venue, students and resources.
Thank you for any help you can give us.