7 Feb 2018

Year 2 School Closure Learning


Thursday 8th February

Log on to the BBC website and try some of the material activities.

Click here

Log on to Pebble Go  and see what you can find out about different materials. 

Username: beaconhill
Password: school

Friday 9th February

Material Detectives

Hunt around your home. Just like we did at school find objects made from wood, plastic, glass, paper and metal around the house and note them down.

Material Hunt out and about –

When you are out with your family over the holidays look at objects in the street, in malls, around HK and talk about what materials they are made from. Eg. A parking meter is made out of metal, the road is made of concrete, jewelry in a shop window is made out of silver.

Discuss the properties of the objects you find at home or around

 HK eg. hard, soft, transparent, opaque, rough, smooth etc.

Why do you think they it is made out of that material?


Monday 12th February

Big Universe – Fact Find

Log in and search for books about materials and find some interesting facts to share with the class.

Make a material poster on a material of your choice. Draw some objects made out of the chosen material and write down some interesting facts you found from your research.



Design a Superhero cape or rain hat that is waterproof. Draw a picture of your design and label the materials and features of your design. Remember to make it comfortable to wear!


Wednesday 14th February

How do materials change when we cook?

Do some baking with an adult. Perhaps you could bake some cupcakes or cookies for your family as today is Valentine’s Day, or bring them to your relatives at Chinese New Year.

When you are baking, discuss with the adult helping you how the different ingredients change.

  • What happens when you mix an egg with flour? Does the colour change?
  • What happens when you mix sugar and butter together? What is happening to the butter?
  • Look at it carefully before you put it in the oven. Perhaps you can watch it change as it is baking.
  • What are differences when it comes out of the oven?
  • If you added chocolate chips, did they melt? Why did they, or why did they not?

Thursday 15th February

Create a Chinese New Year animal collage made from different types of materials. You could use fabric or paper or anything interesting you find at home!


Thursday 8th February

Read Goldilocks and the Three Bears on Big Universe.

Close the book and visualise what Goldilocks looks like.

Draw her. Write some sentences to describe her.


Friday 9th February

Search for Goldilocks and the Wolf on Big Universe.

Read the story.

Over the next few days create your own booklet to show an alternative ending to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Don’t forget the illustrations and to write in sentences.

Today, only write the introduction to your story.


Monday 12th February

Read the introduction that you have written.

Have you remembered capital letters and full stops?

What adjectives have you used?

Today, write what happens next in the story and illustrate it.


Tuesday 13th February

Read through your story.

Today, write the ending and finish the illustrations.

Remember to choose your words carefully.


Wednesday 14th February

Create a front cover for your story. Don’t forget to write the title and the name of the author (your name).


Thursday 15th February

Share your story with someone in your family.

Thursday 8th February

Choose a collection of toys like lego, cars, dolls, soft toys etc.

Share  these toys into equal groups.

Write down what the groups show.

How many different ways can you group them?

You could take a picture and send it to us.

Look at the picture to below.

Friday 9th February

One of the most successful ways of engaging children in mathematical thinking is to play a game with them. The playing is the fun part and the game is the place where the learning or the practising takes place.

Play a Board Game with an adult.

Board Games can provide valuable experience in areas such as counting, strategising next moves, addition, subtraction or multiplication in score keeping, and spatial awareness as the players move around a board to reach a goal.

Monday 12th February

You know the classic game Matching Pairs?

Create your own version using maths problems. Here’s how: Have the maths problem on one card and then the answer on another. So you might have 2 x 5 on one card, and then another card would have 10. Play with a partner to find the matching pairs.


5+6 =

Three groups of 2 =

5 lots of 3 = 



Tuesday 13th February

It is easy to turn “going somewhere” into a maths experience by being on the lookout for numbers, shapes and patterns.

These types of activities help to raise the awareness of mathematics in the environment and encourage your children to notice and figure out things. It can be practice of things they know or a challenge. The children could carry a notebook to write things down they notice as they are ‘going places.’

  • Number: Find a number and use it as a “Launchpad” for counting backwards or forwards or in jumps of two or ten.
  • Patterns: Walk on the even number side of the street and then on the odd number side. Notice which numbers are on the two sides.
  • Time: Count the seconds while waiting for the light to change at traffic lights, notice anywhere there is a clock along the way.
  • Money: Notice all the signs that have dollars on them: for example, petrol stations, supermarkets, and cars.
  • Shapes: Choose a shape and find objects in that shape along the way. You can choose two dimensional-shapes (circles, squares, rectangles, triangles etc) or three-dimensional objects (boxes, balls, cones, pyramids).

Wednesday 14th February


A trip to the supermarket/ flower market / shops are a perfect opportunity to do some maths together.

There is the opportunity to:

  • compare prices and talk about “more than” and “less than”
  • to add, subtract, divide and multiply
  • and talk about the shapes and sizes of items as well.

For young children the supermarket is a great place to practice.

Can you get us 5 oranges?

We need 2 cans of beans.

I need 10 juice boxes.  How many packets do I need to buy?

What number is this aisle?

How much does this packet weigh?


Thursday 15th February

Try some of the multiplication and division questions that have been opened on Mathletics.

Thursday 8th February  

No scheduled Mandarin lesson today.

Friday 9th February

No scheduled Mandarin lesson today.

Monday 12th February

Hi Children. We will be singing “15 days of CNY” at the Golden Book assembly after the CNY holiday. It would be great if you can practise singing the song with actions at home. You can click on the following links for lyrics and music.

Lyrics – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hcmEimXgwzFj5t7lty1EXttffloL_yig

Music – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HohE9yv4uyTjgMkO0rkx0jTodQZQMusX

Ms Lynn – Please visit the following website. You can read 第九课 我的家 放学歌 and play the games in 练习。


Tuesday 13th February

Ms Lynn – Please visit the following website. You can read 第五课 识字(五) and play the games in 练习。



Ms Yu –  Please revise the topic of  My Body.

Draw a picture of body and label the body parts with following vocabularies:  眼睛,耳朵,嘴巴,眉毛,鼻子,头发, 脸, 腿,脚。

Ns Xu – Keep practising the song “15 Days of CNY”. Try to learn the “春联”(chunlian, red CNY couplets) and practise copying it on paper. (click the link below)



Wednesday 14th February

Ms Hoe –

Let’s decorate your home with the Year of Dog posters! Follow the instructions printed on the paper (in the link provided) and colour, cut out and assemble the pieces with your glue and stick your paper dog on the background paper provided. The final product should look like this:



Please click on the following links to get the templates:

(Choose one of the followings)



(Background paper)



Hi Year 2. While we are off school it is an ideal time to be practicing logging in to your Google account at home. You all have a copy of your username and password in your school diaries.

Head over to: http://drive.google.com or http://thebeacon.bhs.edu.hk to log in.

Once you reach Google Drive spend a little time in Google Drawings creating a picture using text, shapes and images about something you enjoy. Here is a quick video reminding you how to do this in Google Drawings:

Get active! Go to the playground and play on the equipment. Throw and catch a ball with a sibling, helper, parent, uncle, aunty, grandma/grandpa. Try throwing and catching various balls. Our current unit is rugby so if you have a rugby shaped ball practise throwing and catching a rugby ball which will help you when we play rugby games after Chinese New Year.

Do some skipping. Play tag with some friends in the playground. Ride a bike. Run around. Use all your muscles. Send a photo of what you have been doing in the playground to Mr Teahan timothy.teahan@bhs.edu.hk


Here is a song about materials that you can learn.


Click the link before to give you ideas about the different types of instruments you can make at home. Remember to ask a grown up first!
