8 Jun 2018

Year 2 Update Wk 33

Monday 18th June – Public Holiday Tuen Ng Festival

Tuesday 19th June – Parent helper Thank You tea at 2pm

Friday 29th June – End of school year 12 noon.


All children must have a hat for playtimes!
We are reminding the children to drink plenty of water each day.

This week the children have been researching about a country for their poster or booklet.

They have been consolidating their understanding of place value by making, writing, and saying 2 and 3 digit numbers in a variety of ways.



Central idea: Geography influences how people interact with their environment.

Lines of inquiry:

  1. The significant features of places -form
  2. How the features of a place influence our activities -causation
  3. The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection

Next week we will be continuing to inquire into a different country of their choice.

The children will also finish their Art work based on the visit to the Peak.


Place Value

In Maths we will revisit Addition and Subtraction.

Central Idea:

The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other (and are used to process information to solve problems)

An inquiry into:

  • How we solve problems using addition and subtraction
  • Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction
  • The language and symbols of addition and subtraction
  • Patterns in addition and subtraction

The children will be working towards the following outcomes:

  • Recall addition facts for numbers to at least 20
  • Model addition and subtraction of whole numbers
  • Represent and solve addition problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies.
  • Represent and solve subtraction problems (including real life and word) involving 2 digit numbers, using appropriate strategies

The children will be involved in solving challenges and playing games.

They will be solving word problems based on real life experiences.

Please continue to complete the activities on Mathletics.

Please continue to practise number bonds to 10, 20, 30 and 40:

Our English focus is information reports. The children will be reading reports and fact files about continents and countries, and will be writing in this formal, non-fiction style. The children will continue using their writing targets to focus on in class when writing.

The children will choose a country to research and complete a report about. They will be invited to think about how they would like to present their learning and asked to  consider how their use of text and images can be effective. They will also think about who they would like to share their finished work with.

The children are being encouraged to select key words from texts to help them rewrite the information they have found.

In reading, we will continue making inferences when reading, using the children’s background knowledge and finding evidence in the text.

Please continue to read with your child at home and ask them to retell the story. Please encourage your child to write down the title of the text they choose from Big Universe.
Amira Mahtani & Eunice Wong 2A
Ashley Liu 2D
Virginia Lu 2K
Look at maps with your child and discuss the key and what the map shows. Discuss places and countries you have visited together, and any geographical features you may have seen- mountains, rivers, lakes, seas for example.
Please email your teacher with any photos you have of your travels so your child can discuss with the class. Thank you to the parents who have already sent photos to share.
Fun Friends

NURTURE: We have been thinking about the role models in our lives and people who can help us be brave. You can discuss your role models with your child.If your child has finished their step plan then they could make a new one for something different. Continue to practise turning red thoughts into green and of course, being brave. Home activities are on page 61 of the pupil book.

Stories to share with your child are: My Dad or My Mum by Anthony Browne, Gordon’s Got a Snookie by Lisa Shanahan

Spelling: The children need to learn the third list on their spelling sheet.
Please be reminded that in Year 2, your child will not bring home a reading book on Tuesday or Thursday they will need to read on Big Universe. Children login and select ‘My Library’ from the top of the page. At the right hand side in the ‘Filters’ section they can select the ‘Grade Level’ of books. If the children select kindergarten,grade 1 and 2 this is the most appropriate reading age for them (5-8 years).

Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.