Year 2 Update Wk 32
Tuesday 5th June – Year 2 pizza lunch.
Monday 18th June – Public Holiday Tuen Ng Festival
Tuesday 19th June – Parent helper Thank You tea at 2pm
Friday 29th June – End of school year 12 noon.
On Wednesday we had a fantastic trip to Victoria Peak. The views were very clear and the children were able to see and sketch the geography of Hong Kong to the north and south. They really enjoyed interviewing people around them to investigate the land use. A big thank you to the parents who helped on the trip.
After the trip the children compared what they could see to the north and south, focusing on the land use and geographical features
We have continued learning about the continents and countries of the world this week.
Mrs Detaramani visited BHS this week to introduce Baby Jai to everyone. He was very sleepy and cute, 2A were very happy to meet him.
Central idea: Geography influences how people interact with their environment.
Lines of inquiry:
- The significant features of places -form
- How the features of a place influence our activities -causation
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world – connection
Next week we will be drawing on the children’s knowledge of Hong Kong to complete a shared information report.
The children will also complete some Art work based on their visit to the Peak.
Place Value
In Maths we will revisit Place Value.
Central Idea: We represent numbers and number relationships using the place value system
An inquiry into:
- Ways to represent numbers
- How we count numbers
- The Base ten place value system
The children will be working towards the following outcomes:
- Count by naming numbers in sequences, to and back from 999, moving from any starting point
- Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
- Apply place value to partition and rename, numbers to three digit numbers
- Skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s starting from zero
The children will be involved in solving challenges and playing games.
Try this exciting game and challenge your child to rename the number by counting the total number of tens in each answer:
Please continue to complete the activities on Mathletics.
Please continue to practise number bonds to 10, 20, 30 and 40:
The children will choose a country to research and complete a report about. They will be invited to think about how they would like to present their learning and asked to consider how their use of text and images can be effective. They will also think about who they would like to share their finished work with.
In reading we will begin working on making inferences when reading, using the children’s background knowledge.
Home activities are on page 57 of the pupil book.
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.