Year 2 Update Wk 20
Tuesday 6th February – Year 2 Bake Sale (please send in small cakes or cookies to the PTA office that day). Please remember to bring in a small container to eat purchased cakes from.
Monday 12th February – China Day (more information to follow). Children should come dressed in Chinese New Year clothing on this day.
Wednesday 14th February – Dim Sum Trip Year 2. Please contact if you and your child are not joining. Please remember to send in your cheques for this trip.
Thursday 15th February – Break up for Chinese New Year holidays at 12pm.
Friday 2nd March – Student-Led Conferences (Booking system open for parents of siblings on 5th Feb and 12th Feb for all other parents) If you are a new parent to BHS, please view the video at this link to find out more about Student-Led Conferences
Student Council Fruity Friday
Book Drive
Hi, my name is Muchan, a Student Councillor for 5C. I am organising a Book Drive to help spread my love of reading. The Sony Corporation will collect books to create mobile libraries in South Africa for schools that do not have enough books. If you have books that are:
Please send them to school. There will be a collection box in the school foyer. Any books you can donate will help spread our love of reading.
The children have been using descriptive vocabulary to describe the properties of the materials. In groups they have been sorting and categorising the different materials.
The children have been using adjectives in their writing to describe different characters.They thought about their theatre trip to Monstersaurus and created and described their own monsters. The children have listened to the the story of The Three Little Pigs and wrote a description of the Big Bad Wolf.
The children have been creating art work using different materials to make a collage.
Central idea:
People use and change materials to suit their needs
Lines of inquiry:
- The properties of materials (form)
- Materials are used for specific purposes (function)
- How materials can change (change)
The children will start to inquire into the different properties of materials by planning and carrying out some scientific investigations. They will be planing the investigations, making predictions, observing what happens and drawing conclusions.
The children will decide which materials are more suitable than others for certain jobs due to their properties.
The children will continue to create some art using a variety of materials.
The link below has some activities that your child can complete about different materials. See ages 6-7 and 7-8.
Central Idea: We collect and organise data to make sense of the world around us
Lines of inquiry:
- Gathering information
- Representing information
- Interpreting information
The children will be using Venn diagrams to sort and organise the properties of various materials.
Central Idea: We collect and organise data to make sense of the world around us
Lines of inquiry:
- How we solve problems using multiplication and division
- Mental and written strategies for multiplication and division
- The language and symbols of multiplication and division
The children will be sharing and grouping numbers and objects to help with their understanding of multiplication and division. They will be practising their skip counting and discuss how it links with multiplication. They will use these skills to help with problem solving activities.
Remember to go onto Mathletics to complete the tasks your teacher has set and then continue to complete available tasks.
Please continue to practise number bonds to 10, 20, 30 and 40:
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.