Year 1 Update – Wk 5
Just a reminder that next Friday 29th September is BHS Community:Colours Day.
As part of our 50th celebrations we are aiming to give back to our community by holding an Action Day on the 8th December in partnership with Bethune House, Sunshine Action, Sai Kung Stray Dogs and Soap Cycling. On the 8th December each year group will have the opportunity to help make food parcels to help those who are in need in Hong Kong. More details will follow about that day as we get closer to it. We are aiming high and the amount of money we need to raise equates to $250 per child.
To kick-start our fundraising, we are going to have 4 days of lunchtime activities where children can make a minimum donation of HK$20 to join in fun events such as karaoke. This will build up to a very special day on Friday 29th September we are calling ‘Colours Day’ where all children will take part in one of two sponsored events – either a sponsored walk/run or a sponsored readathon depending on their interest. Each year group will have half an hour for the events. Sponsor forms can be downloaded and printed off from today’s Newsletter. We encourage all our students and their families to support this day of action to help in our drive to support those in our community who are in need. And of course, on Friday 29th all students should come dressed in their house colours.
Shapes are classified and named according to their properties.
Next week in maths we continue with our shape unit.
This is an inquiry into: Naming and classifying 2D shapes. Form – what are the names of the common shapes? and Function – how do we classify these shapes? will drive our inquiry.
We are ready to explore new shapes and the children have begun to think about what we call shapes with more that four sides. We will be learning that shapes can be used to make other shapes and that sometimes shapes with the same name can look a bit different from each other.
Mathletics: All of the children have their Mathletics usernames and passwords in the front of their Home-School Diaries. Please spend some time each week exploring the different activities that we have set for the children. Under the ‘play’ section children can practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world. It is not intended that the children will do these tasks totally independently so please help your child to become familiar with the layout of Mathletics and how to go about completing the tasks. Have fun!(This week we have been continuing our unit based on number sense. The children have been exploring the different ways that we can make numbers using our fingers. They have also been counting, reading, writing and ordering numbers.)
Monday is again library day so please enjoy the books for the last time over the weekend and get them ready to send back to school in the red book bags.
Congratulations to the following children for their Golden Book certificate on Monday.
1W – Ethan Yang
1P – Jamie Loynd
1L – Sylas Ng
Mandarin – Ethan Yang
Writing: We have noticed that some of our year one children are writing using capital or upper case letters. Also we have seen some children use a mix of lower and upper case letters in words such as their name. We would like to ask that if you do any writing at all with your child at home that you only use small or lower case letter. At this stage the only time that we encourage the children to use a capital letter is when writing names of people or places. At Beacon Hill school the font that we teach the children to use is the Nelson font. This is what the Nelson font looks like: