Year 1 Update – Wk 4
Miss Jeves will continue to work with the year one children next week. She will keep focusing on the skill of questioning. Children will be encouraged to think about the difference between a question and a statement. Much of the learning that the children do with Miss Jeves requires them to talk with a partner. When the children talk with a partner they sit knee to knee, eye to eye which supports and helps children to build upon their communication skills.
Shapes are classified and named according to their properties.
Next week in maths we continue with our shape unit.
This is an inquiry into: Naming and classifying 2D shapes. Form – what are the names of the common shapes? and Function – how do classify these shapes? will drive our inquiry.
Next week the focus will be on naming and describing the properties of 2D shapes and grouping 2D shapes according to their like properties. Children will be given open tasks such as make a shape with…draw a shape with …describe a … (name of 2D shape). Children will also be comparing shapes discussing their differences and similarities.
Mathletics: All of the children have their Mathletics usernames and passwords in the front of their Home-School Diaries. Please spend some time each week exploring the different activities that we have set for the children. Under the ‘play’ section children can practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world. It is not intended that the children will do these tasks totally independently so please help your child to become familiar with the layout of Mathletics and how to go about completing the tasks. Have fun!(This week we have been continuing our unit based on number sense. The children have been exploring the different ways that we can make numbers using our fingers. They have also been counting, reading, writing and ordering numbers.)
Next week the Year 1 children will borrow their second book from the library. They will need to bring their book bag to school. Please make sure that it is clearly named. We will provide a waterproof cover for those few children who have been unable to buy a school book bag due to no stock being available, we have a list of these children.
Congratulations to the following children for their Golden Book certificate on Monday.
1W – Emma Woo
1P – Alice Deleu
1L – Joshua Duke
Information Literacy – Leonardo Li
Writing: We have noticed that some of our year one children are writing using capital or upper case letters. Also we have seen some children use a mix of lower and upper case letters in words such as their name. We would like to ask that if you do any writing at all with your child at home that you only use small or lower case letter. At this stage the only time that we encourage the children to use a capital letter is when writing names of people or places. At Beacon Hill school the font that we teach the children to use is the Nelson font. This is what the Nelson font looks like: