Year 1 Update – Wk 35
Home reading journals Well done to the children who continued to read at home. Many of our children have continued to read a book from their book shelf or from Big Universe and record the details in their home reading journal. Please encourage your child to do so during the last week of term as well as in the holidays.
Planning for trips During our unit of inquiry sessions children planned where they could go on a trip. They carefully considered the location, season and weather when planning what to take on their trip as well and what they might wear. The children also designed and made a suitcase out of paper and recycled materials
Buddies This week our year one children said goodbye and thank you to their year five buddies. Some children made cards and cookies and some made cards and played games with each other.
Lines of inquiry
The Earth changes (form)
How the Earth’s changes affect our lives (change)
How the Earth’s changes other living things (change)
Next week we will be finishing up our final unit of inquiry. The children will be completing their end task and reflecting upon the choices that they made for their trip.
The year one children have brought home their unit folders throughout the year. In the holidays please talk with your children about their favourite unit and why they enjoyed/learnt a lot from it. Here are some starters to help your discussions.
Holidays School for all B.H.S children will finish next Friday at 12 pm. If you are taking your child out of school earlier then please email the school office as well as your child’s class teacher.
Shopping bag Next week the children will bring home their folders of work. On Monday, please can your children bring a shopper bag to school so that they can safely carry their folders home.
Portfolios On Wednesday all children bought home their year one portfolio. Please spend time talking with your child about their learning. Portfolios need to be returned by Monday 25th June.
Next week maths in year one will look like: Children playing board games, visiting mathletics, using maths manipulates to make and show number understanding and card and dice games.
As we approach the end of the year please support your child in completing the remaining Mathletics tasks that have been set for them.
Under the ‘play’ section, the children can also practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world.
Please support your child in learning how to log in using their user name and password rather than relying on an adult to do so for them. At school we are teaching the children to be independent with this skill.
Next week children will begin to make a memories of year one booklet. This is reflection of their learning and time in year one. As these come home please talk to your child about what they wrote.
As we start to pack up classrooms and shared spaces at school we would like to ask you to check at home for any B.H.S home reading books and Learning Centre books.
On Monday 25th June these children will be given a Golden Book certificate:
1L – Nathaniel Lee
1P – Rayhan Lalwani, Sherisse Shek
1W – Quinton Tan, Marcus Cheung
Congratulations to our Golden Book certificate children!