8 Jun 2018

Year 1 Update – Wk 33

Monday 18th June – Public holiday
Tuesday 19th June – Bake sale – children are welcome to bring $20 into school to buy a tasty treat
Tuesday 19th June – Parent helper tea at 2pm
Monday 25th June – class swap day – children will get to meet their new year 2 teacher
Monday 25th June – End of year reports go live on the Beacon
Friday 29th June – School finishes at 12pm
Happy Summer holidays to everyone!

Science with Mr Thompson

This week all three Year One classes enjoyed Mr Thompson working with them for some hands on Science experiments linked to our unit based on Earth changes. The children worked through some of the principles of the scientific process by making predictions, making their experiment a fair test, observing and making conclusions.

1L explored questions that they had about ice and looked for places around the school where ice would melt the quickest. 1P performed experiments to explore how rain occurs and 1W experimented with different materials to see which ones would keep boiling water hot.

 Central Idea:
The changes on Earth affect living things

 Lines of inquiry

The Earth changes (form)

How the Earth’s changes affect our lives  (change)

How the Earth’s changes other living things (change)

Next week during our Unit of inquiry we will be focusing on the scientific reasons behind the seasons and how different places in the world experience different changes in weather at different times of year. We will also be looking at how seasonal changes affect us as humans and other living things.

We have been very impressed with the children’s level of engagement and their curiosity during this unit. They have had lots of wonderings and through their learning, they have addressed their misconceptions and gained new understandings about Earth changes. Please ask your children about what they have learnt about how day and night happens, weather changes and what causes seasonal changes.


Over the past few weeks in maths lessons, the children having been learning about place value and as part of their hands on learning they used coins to partition numbers into tens and ones. Many of the children were unsure about what each coin was and found it challenging to use the money for this task. Please help your child to further their understanding of the value of these coins by giving them the opportunity to use money in real life situations.
You could:
* Encourage and help them to use small change when they are buying small items from 7-11 or the supermarket.
* Ask them to count the change in your purse or wallet for you.
* If they have pocket money give it to them in change and ask them to check the amount.
* If they use an octopus card, let them tell you how much money they have left and tell you when they are running out of credit.
* Role play shops at home with small change and their toys.
Home Reading and Library Books
Next week will be the last week that the children will be able to borrow books from the Library before the summer break. Please make sure all library books are returned to school on Tuesday 19th June.
Next Tuesday 12th June will be the last day for home reading and we will be collecting in all of the books on Wednesday 13th June. Please continue to encourage and support the children with their reading over the summer by reading and enjoying books from their own home bookshelves, orally retelling familiar stories and visiting the local public libraries. The children will also have access to Big Universe over the summer so please continue to use this regularly with your child.


Data Handling

Central Idea: We collect information to make sense of the world around us and can be organised in different ways.

Next week we will be exploring the concept of probability and through practical games and real life contexts we will be learning the language associated with probability, such as; “will happen”. “won’t happen” and “might happen”.

The children will also be using the data they have collected through our weather watch to construct and analyse simple bar charts and pictograms.



As we approach the end of the year please support your child in completing the remaining Mathletics tasks that have been set for them.

Under the ‘play’ section,  the children can also practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world.

Please support your child in learning how to log in using their user name and password rather than relying on an adult to do so for them. At school we are teaching the children to be independent with this skill.


Next week we will continue to explore non-fiction texts which explain natural Earth changes.  We will be teaching the children how diagrams can be used to explain why or how something happens. The children will have the opportunity to create their own diagrams to explain how day and night takes place and will be composing sentences to help explain their diagrams.

Reading  Next week in reading we will wrap up our focus on the comprehension strategy of questioning.  Good readers ask questions before, after and during reading.

During the last few weeks of term we will also be starting to look at our personal choices when reading. We will explore the children’s favourite genres, will look at specific authors and the features of their books and will be creating some book recommendations which will then be placed in our class reading areas for our new Year One classes.

Big Universe please encourage your child to practise logging on to Big Universe without any help.  There are many useful books that your child can read with you and also this is a great resource that your children can use in the holidays.

 Phonemes: ck, ng, qu, x                                   
Camera Words:  away, see, look, very, once, we
We have been very impressed by the way in which many of the children are now reading and recognising the Year One camera words. We would now like them to begin learning to spell them correctly and use them in their own writing. Please help them at home by encouraging the correct spelling of these words when they are writing in their play.

1L – Selene Yeung

1P – Henry Tam

1W – Shermaine Chan and Sofia Mukhi Santino

Congratulations to our Golden Book certificate children!