26 Oct 2018

PE Monthly Update #3

Unit 2 – Movement Composition (Dance)

The Year Ones have been looking at movement composition (dance). They have explored how we can move to different styles of music and looked at repeating patterns. They will now focus on copying and creating dance sequences.

Unit 1 Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

In the first four weeks of FMS we had a station which focussed on eye tracking. They will now use the skill of eye tracking to help them when striking objects. Our other stations are focussing on balance, game readiness, memory and locomotive.

Unit 2 Adventure Challenge

The Year Twos have been on an adventure journey. They have crossed rivers inside dark caves, travelled through jungles and searched for treasure. Whilst playing these games they have focussed on team work skills of communication and cooperation.


Unit 1 Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

In the first four weeks of FMS we had a station which focussed on eye tracking. They will now use the skill of eye tracking to help them when striking objects. Our other stations are focussing on balance, game readiness, memory and locomotive.

Unit 2 Movement Composition (Gymnastics)

The Year 3s have been looking at how to create sequences in gymnastics. They have explored sequences on different apparatus – the floor, balance beam and vault.

Unit 2 Movement Composition (Dance)

With their class teachers they have been looking at how to create sequences linked to music and dance. They have looked at how to perform a dance to an audience.


Unit 2 Games (basketball)


The Year Fours have been playing modified games of basketball with a focus on attacking, defending and passing. They have looked at the links between basketball attacking and defending and other sports.


Unit 2 Individual Pursuits

With their class teachers the focus has been on athletics with an emphasis on running, jumping and throwing. They have played a variety of games to enhance their running, jumping and and throwing skills.

Unit 2 Invasion Games -rugby

During this games unit the focus has been on strategies for attacking and defending. They have looked at the type of defence used in rugby and how it compares to other sports.

Unit 2 Striking and fielding -rounders

With their class teachers they have been playing the game of rounders. They have focussed on the skills of striking and fielding. They have looked at the important of accurate and powerful striking. 

Unit 2 Movement Composition (Gymnastics)

During this unit the focus for their gymnastics movements has been on transitions and how to move from one movement to another and make it look aesthetic.

Unit 2 Movement Composition (Dance)

With their class teachers they have been looking at creating their own dances to different styles of music. They have worked collaboratively to create their own dances. 


This section of the P.E. Monthly Updates has been moved to the weekly newsletter. Please share any sporting successes and celebrations that have happened outside of school teams and sports. Please send to kannis.tsui@bhs.edu.hk any photos (with a short description) of your child’s sporting achievements. Thanks.