29 Apr 2016

PE Monthly Update #7

Games (Handball)

The Year Ones have just finished their unit on invasion games. They were taught the basic skills of an adapted version of team handball. They were taught how to attack and defend as a team and have been using these skills in mini handball games.


In their PMP sessions they have started looking at matching a story to actions and they are looking forward to sharing their action stories during the Year 1 Sharing Day. A big thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help during the third term.

Games – Rugby

The Year twos have just finished their unit on rugby where they were taught two different versions of rugby – mini rugby and tag rugby. They were taught how to attack and defend and the basic rules of rugby.


In PMP we have been focusing on the memory station where we have been teaching them how to improve their memory especially when they have distractions and obstacles in the way. A big thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help during the third term.

Games (gaelic football)

The Year 3s have just completed their unit on gaelic football. They have been taught the rules of gaelic and have focusssed on the skills of passing, moving and attacking.


With their class teachers they have been looking at athletics with an emphasis on running, jumping and throwing.

Movement Composition – Gymnastics
The Year Fours have just finished their gymnastics unit where the focus was on creating routines with a partner or in groups. They looked at how to begin and end their routine and how to make it interesting and aesthetic.


With their class teachers the focus has been on striking and fielding. They have explored the various skills associated with cricket – striking, fielding and bowling.

Individual Pursuits – athletics

The Year 5s have been looking at the connection between energy and athletics. They have looked at the energy systems we have in our bodies and how we use them differently in athletics.

Individual Pursuits -tennis

With their class teachers they have just finished a unit on tennis. They worked on stroke improvement and how to outwit an opponent in a match.

Games -cricket

The Year 6s have just finished their unit on cricket. They started the unit by learning how to bowl correctly and then have used the skills learnt throughout the unit in adapted cricket games.

Health and fitness

With their class teachers they have been looking at health and fitness and the changes (both positive and negative) that happen to the body when we exercise.