1 Mar 2019

Newsletter #24

Beacon Hill School latest newsletter available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.

Principal’s Words
Important Dates
Around BHS
SEN News
PTA News
ESF News
Other News


Dear Parents,


Well done to 1P on a fabulous Class Assembly.  They certainly demonstrated how much they have learned and how they have used their imagination to create.  They were confident performers – well done!


Principal Candidates

Today, we have had 3 Principal candidates visit our school and we look forward to watching their presentations this evening.  I hope to see many of you there at 6pm in the School Hall.


Wellbeing Focus

Social Media Challenges

I wanted to share some information with you to help continue to keep our children safe. You will have heard a number of news stories about the dangers of the social media challenge called the Momo Challenge, which some students have started talking about at school. Today, we had some students in our lower school upset by the stories relating to it.


There has yet to be any confirmed evidence of this being anything other than a viral story aimed at scaring parents and children.


Instead of drawing your child’s attention to it, thereby creating more views and igniting their curiosities, I would like to draw your attention to focus on what we can learn from this and how best to support the children.  We can be so drawn in by the hysteria of the news that we lose our focus on the real issue of how to teach the children how to be safe online.


I encourage you to monitor your children’s social media.  Take the opportunity to have a conversation about their online use.  Do they watch Youtube?  Do they have a favourite ‘Youtuber’ that they like to view?  Is it for fun or are they learning something new from it?


Please use this as an opportunity to remind your children not to talk to strangers online, accept invitations to play or engage online with people they do not know and not to share any personal information.  You may also wish to establish some agreements on device use at home, including time, supervision and what being safe online means for your family.


Talk to your child about the power of social media; how it can be a means of building friendships and connecting but it is also where people are bullied, lose confidence and are exposed to inappropriate content and other unhealthy media. Educating the children will empower them to stay away from challenges such as this, and even encourage them to help their friends.


Whilst many sites are blocked on our school server and devices, students may still be able to access such sites through their own devices and accounts; therefore setting privacy systems and security settings is crucial. I also encourage you to remind your children to change email and social media passwords frequently.


I feel it is important to share this information with you to help build awareness and keep our children safe. Please notify me or the class teacher if you have any concerns.



Student Achievement

February 24 – Adam Wu (3M) and Avery Wu (3W) got their first belt (white belt) in Taekwondo. They both started the sport in February and they’re loving it. Not only does it help develop their flexibility and agility, but more importantly, their growth mind-set and confidence. Their goal in TKD is to get their black belts. Keep it up boys!


February 24 – Gabriel Chan (4W), Marcus Su (4F), Julien Leung (4F), and Felix Lee (4F) represented BHS in the 2019 Hong Kong Inter-School Team Chess Championships at King George V School. Each of them had to play 7 games against opponents for the entire day. Being one of the youngest team at the Upper Primary division, the boys battled very hard and they managed to attain 7th place from a total of 30 school teams. Gabriel also represented Board 1 for their team and won 3rd runner up for the individual prize. Well done boys!

February 24 – Charlotte Chan (4W) and Cesar Chan (1P) have participated in a charity piano competition organised by Muse Music Asia Association. Charlotte got a second runner up award and Cesar got an excellence award. Great effort!


At BHS we value the importance of developing the ‘whole’ child and this means valuing their achievement and interests outside of school.  If your child has achieved something special, we would be happy to share that with the BHS community through this newsletter.  Please email details and a photograph to kannis.tsui@bhs.edu.hk


Action in PYP

It has been great celebrating the talents and achievements of our students through the ’Student Achievement’ section in the newsletter.  We would like to do something similar with Student Action.  Action in the PYP is when students are inspired through their learning and their experiences to make a difference to their lives or the community connected to real life issues and opportunities.  We would like to celebrate our students taking action outside of school.

Please could you email examples to kannis.tsui@bhs.edu.hk and they will be shared through our newsletter.


Important Dates


Kind regards,

Susan Chung
Acting Principal


Next week is Maths Week at BHS. During the week there will be treasure hunts and lunch time activities happening which all students are invited to take part in during break and lunch times. In addition to this, students can enter our Figure Me Out competition. All those wishing to take part in the competition can come and collect a template from outside 401 or alternatively they can design their own template. I have included an image of what this might look like below. Entries should be returned to school no later than Monday 11th March.

Mandarin Mondays

“Monkey King is Coming Again. On 4th March next Monday our Mandarin Club will continue to share the story of “Journey to the West” which is one of the four famous novels in China. After Monkey King learned skills from a famous Master, he went back to Mountain of Flower and Fruit. However he had a new problem to solve; there was no proper weapon for him to use. In next week’s story time, you will hear the story about how Monkey King acquired his weapon “Golden Cudgel 金箍棒”.

Community Choir

If you are interested in joining our community choir, we rehearse on Thursdays at 3pm and 7pm in the Music Room, starting March 7.

This is open to all parents of BHS students, ex-parents of BHS and to BHS Staff. Our next performance will be at the International Food Fair. No auditions or previous singing experience – just lots of enthusiasm needed!

For existing members, click HERE for the audio files.

Book Drive

Brody, Ryan and Muchan in Year 6 are organising a Book Drive to help spread our love of reading.  The Sony Corporation will collect books to create mobile libraries in South Africa for schools that do not have enough books for children to read.  If you have books that are:

  1. Written in English language
  2. Suitable for 6-12 years old
  3. Pages should not be yellow or brown (due to aging)
  4. No missing or torn pages
  5. No scribbling on the pages
  6. No textbooks
  7. No magazines
  8. No encyclopedias

Please send them to school.  There will be a collection box in the school foyer from Monday 21st January. Any books you can donate will help spread the enjoyment of reading.


Dear Parents,

We have a great opportunity to learn from Marie Marchand from Parenting Dialogue once more at Beacon Hill School on March 7th from 6-8 pm. Marie has been a regular speaker at BHS over the last few years and her presentations are always both informative and entertaining.

This year the theme will be Building Resilience in Children.

Please see the enotice for more details on content.

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Colette Davis


Tag Rugby Training Schedule

Thursday 7th March – Morse Park. 4.45pm pick up from school.

Thursday 14th March – Morse Park. 4.45pm pick up from school.

Thursday 21st March – no training

Thursday 28th March – Morse Park. 4.45pm pick up from school.

Thursday 4th April – to be confirmed

Thursday 11th April – Morse Park. 4.45pm pick up from school.

Basketball Club

Please note that there will be no training for the students in Mr Teahan’s squad on Wednesday 6th March. Miss Wu’s group will train at school instead of Lung Cheung Road Playground.

Tim Teahan


Raffle Tickets

Please keep the raffle tickets coming in.  More tickets are available upon request.  Remember, the top selling class in Y1-3 and Y4-6 will be awarded with a class outing of their choice.

Please ensure all tickets & money are safeguarded and correct balances returned to BHS PTA by 15th March as all numbered tickets & money are Audited under requirements of the HK Lottery License.

All proceeds will go towards School Wellbeing Projects and your support is much appreciated.

International Food Fair – Friday 29 March 5-8pm

If you have time please volunteer to help out in one of our food stalls.  Alternatively donate some homemade delicacies, money or game prizes.  We really need your help to run a successful Food Fair and depend on your support & generosity.  Please return the form sent out requesting for donations or email us: pta@bhs.edu.hk

Hot Lunches

Deadline for March ordering has lapsed.  Please note DCK will not accept any late orders.

Bake Sale

Y4 Bake sale shall take place on Tuesday 5 March.  Please give your child some money so they can buy a treat during break time.

Thank you to the Y2 students & families for your home-made Bake Sale goodies.  Y2 helped to raise $4337 for the BHS PTA to help support BHS.


We shall start selling summer uniforms in April.  If you wish to purchase winter uniform please do so before April.  The winter form can be downloaded from BHS website as per the following link:


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 5 March Y4 Bake Sale

Friday 15 March Deadline for Raffle Ticket return

Friday 29 March International Food Fair



Email : pta@bhs.edu.hk



Disclaimer: Beacon Hill School and the English School Foundation do not recommend or endorse any external events in this newsletter. There is no contractual arrangement between BHS/ESF and the event organisers.