Music Monthly Update #1
In Year 1, the children will be:
- Understanding the concept of beat or pulse in music and songs.
- Learning short songs such as “Bananas in Pajamas” and “Alison’s Camel” and adding percussion instruments.
- Listening to different kinds of marches and being able to recognize what musical qualities make this type of music suitable for marching.
- Exploring the variety of sounds that we can produce on non-pitched percussion instruments in the classroom.
In Year 2 the children will be:
- Understanding the difference between beat and rhythm.
- Learning songs such as “Listen to the Music” and “Got the Beat”.
- Using instruments to create classroom arrangements of songs such as “A Sailor went to Sea”.
- Learning some action songs.
In Year 3 the children will be:
- Examining the way composers convey meaning in their music using different tempos, dynamics and and pitch.
- Listening to parts of “Carnival of the Animals” and describing different creatures using various classroom instruments.
- Linking with the current UOI and think about signs and symbols in music.
In Year 4 the children will be:
- Exploring music and songs with different time signatures and how this may affect the mood or character of a piece of music.
- Learning to conduct music that has 2, 3 or 4 beats in a bar.
In Year 5 the children will be:
- Looking at bugle calls and brass fanfares.
- Examining how brass instruments work and pupils will compose their own examples of fanfares on classroom instruments.
- Listening to examples of fanfares in the orchestral repertoire such as “Fanfare for the Common Man” by Aaron Copland.
In Year 6 the children will be:
- Looking at rounds and 2 or 3 part songs.
- Examining the ways in which part songs are composed and use instrumental accompaniments to add colour and texture to the music.
Chamber Choir
Thank you to all those brave children who auditioned for the Chamber Choir this week.
Congratulations to those who got in, we start rehearsals next week! Please return your reply slip to Miss Kannis in Room 705 by Monday 29th August.
If you did not manage to get in this year, please try again next year!