Mandarin Monthly Update #8
Year 3 – Students in Year Three will learn about making sensible and balanced food choices to stay healthy.
Year 4 – Students in Year Four will be learning 晒太阳,太阳和彩虹,小马过河 和 折筷子。
Year 5 – Students in Year Five will be spending some time in the kitchen in the next couple of weeks experimenting with traditional Chinese cooking. They will produce written instructions after each experiment.
Year 6 – Students in Year Six have started their inquiry in the Mandarin standalone unit – Beijing Opera. They will come to understand that people use different forms and expressions to convey their cultural ideas and customs.
1W We have been learning about family. Children are learning to talk about who they have in their family in Mandarin. They are also learning to read and write related Chinese characters such as 爸,妈, 哥,弟, 姐, 妹 。
Yr2. We have been doing lots of activities about stroke order and how to reorganise sentences with given vocabulary and reading aloud in Mandarin sessions.
Yr3. We are still learning about school uniform from Chinese Made Easy book 1 chapter 9. We also learnt about clothes radical. The new vocabulary in this chapter is: 裙子, 裤子, 袜子, 上衣, 鞋子。 We also shared the three story books 大卫上学去, 漏 和走开绿色的大怪物。
Yr4. We are learning chapter 7 小兔吃菜 and we are preparing a role play, set in a restaurant to practice the vocabulary about food from this chapter. We also have been practicing our skills in reading aloud with accuracy and fluency.
Yr5 We have just finished the topic of Subjects. We all made our own timetable in Chinese. Please remind them to use it every day. we are starting our new topic of Daily routines. Students are learning key words to describe their daily life. They are learning this topic through skits and role plays as well as forming sentences to describe their life daily.
Yr6. We have started our Mandarin UOI Chinese opera. They will design their own masks based on what they have learned about opera
1L: Students have been learning about making phone calls in Mandarin. They should be able to recognise words: 电 话。They should also be able to sing some songs and to say a rhyme of telephone numbers.
Year 2: Students have been learning about pets in Mandarin. They should be able to sing a pet song. They should also be able to tell the story “The tortoise and the hare” in simple Mandarin.
Year 3: We have learned the texts of “江河“,”泉水和大海“ (中文2第十一课)。Children have also been trying to prepare for “show and tells” in Mandarin.
Year 4: We have been learning about school places. While practising orally, they are creating signs of school places in writing. Students should be able to tell our school places like playground, assembly hall, library, and classrooms etc in Mandarin. They should also be able to recognise most of the characters of school places.
Year 5: We are finishing the unit of 古诗。While learning the new poems of “游子吟“,”江雪“,”敕勒歌“ and ”杂诗“, we have also reviewed some of the 古诗 learned before. We will finish the unit up with a “古诗知识竞赛“。
Year 6: Students have just finished doing their oral presentations on the project of “逛商场”。 They will start their exhibition Mandarin work next week.
Getting organised for Mandarin lessons
If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.
Home Learning
- Home Learning is usually given out in the first or second lesson of the week and due a week later. It is the responsibility of students to bring their diary to Mandarin lessons and enter home learning details into their diaries during an allocated time.
- The amount of home learning varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, reading storybooks, writing book reports, preparing for dictations etc. Some classes will have weekly written tasks while other classes may be given oral practice only.
- Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your home learning on time.
Taking Care of Books
The replacement costs for books lost are as follows:
- Chinese Made Easy textbook $250 each
- Chinese Made Easy activity book $150 each
- 小学华文 $100 each
- 中文 $100 each
- Other Chinese books $ 75 each
- Mandarin folders $25 each