Mandarin Monthly Update #6
1F – Students in Year One have been busy preparing game sheets that they will use in the student led conferences in March. They will be playing tic-tac-toe and memory games with their parents using vocabulary learnt in class.
Year 2 – Students in Year Two have enjoyed drawing flowers on the scratchboard and labeling the flowers in Chinese characters. They will also role play 三只小猪 and make connections to their UOI in the classrooms by identifying various materials used in the story.
Year 3 – Students in Year Three will learn 左手右手,前面一只小老鼠 and 我的同学. At the end of this unit, students should be able to give a detailed description of a person’s physical appearance.
Year 4 – Students in Year Four will be able to inquire into how Chinese beliefs and values are reflected in the traditional patterns, symbols and shapes. They will also be looking at how these traditional designs have made an impact on modern structures.
Year 5 – Students in Year Five will be making links with their Big Business unit in Mandarin by designing bilingual name cards, posters and surveys.
Year 6 – Following the ESF Y6/Y7 Chinese benchmark test in March, students in Year Six will be completing their yearbook entries in Mandarin.
1W has continued to work on the topic about Chinese New Year. We are focusing on zodiac animals then moving on to the topic of Pets.
Yr2. The students are continuing with the textbook中文 lesson 9.
Yr3. We are on chapter 4 of Chinese made easy about family.
Yr4. The students have begun reading the passages in their textbook. They have been copying the text and key words while also learning how to form sentences. we are on chapter 5 now.
Yr5 We just finished topic of Nationality. Students are learning key words to describe themselves and their classmates. They are learning this topic through skits and role plays as well as forming sentences to describe their classmates.
Yr6. The students are moving through the textbook very well, learning new key words and how to form more creative sentences. They are building their writing skills as well by writing long free form pieces in class to challenge their memory and creativity.
1L: Students in Year One have been busy reviewing and preparing game sheets that they will use in the student led conferences in March. They will be playing a tic-tac-toe game with their parents using vocabulary learnt in class.
Year 2: Students are learning to read a book “我渴了”in Mandarin, after they have learned about drinks. Now they have started learning about more action verbs like:飞,爬,游etc. They will practise through songs and games. They will also practise their vocabulary recognition as well as strokes for writing.
Year 3: We have learned the texts of”月亮会不会跟人走“,”弯弯的月亮“。We have also been reviewing and practising Chinese pinyin so that the students will be more confident when using computers to input Chinese characters.
Year 4: We have started learning about school related expressions like: 学校,毕架山小学,四年级,etc. We are also doing revisions on all the topics they have learned with the focus on vocabulary recognition as well as oral Mandarin.
Year 5: We have learned the texts of “唐人街”,“过春节” and “刻舟求剑“。We have also extended our learning of 成语 with more 数字成语。
Year 6: We continue with our practice of reading comprehension as well as composition writing to prepare for the benchmark tests.
Getting organised for Mandarin lessons
If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.
Home Learning
- Home Learning is usually given out in the first or second lesson of the week and due a week later.
- Some classes will have weekly written tasks while other classes may be given oral practice only.
- The amount of home learning varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, reading storybooks, writing book reports, preparing for dictations etc.
- Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your home learning on time.
Taking Care of Books
The replacement costs for books lost are as follows:
- Chinese Made Easy textbook $250 each
- Chinese Made Easy activity book $150 each
- 小学华文 $100 each
- 中文 $100 each
- Other Chinese books $ 75 each
- Mandarin folders $25 each