Mandarin Monthly Update #5
Y1 – Students have finished their unit of “My body”. Our next topic will be “Colours”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different colours in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 红,黄,蓝,绿,黑,白。They will also begin to speak and read simple sentences such as 我喜欢红色,我不喜欢黑色。
Y2 – Students in Year Two have been busy learning about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. They have had opportunities to listen to stories and learn songs that are related to CNY. Please encourage them to practise singing the song 恭喜 at home. They also started to learn 我的家 and had lots of fun role-playing 这是你的家吗? during Mandarin lessons.
Y3 – Students in Year Three have been learning 现在几点。At the end of this unit, they should be able to ask and answer questions about people’s daily routines. 我早上六点起床。
Y4 – Students in Year Four have been learning 第十八课 到动物园去, 动物园真好玩。One of the focus areas is to be able to use punctuation marks appropriately. Students will also be making connections during Mandarin to their UOI in class (How purpose affects the design of structures) by making inquiries and creating artwork of the traditional Chinese courtyard design.
Y5 – Students in Year Five had lots of fun designing their own restaurant menus with a partner. Now they are moving on to 第三课 加油站,汽车的故事。In February, students will be linking Mandarin to the Big Business unit in the classroom by working on advertising posters/slogans and drama scripts in Mandarin.
Y6 – Students in Year Six have been learning to name school subjects and common stationery items. By the end of this unit, they should be able to talk about their school life by using vocabulary and sentences of subjects, stationery, places and people in school. They are encouraged to practise reading and writing of related Chinese characters at home if possible.
Y1 – Students have finished their unit of “My body”. Our next topic will be “Colours”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different colours in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 红,黄,蓝,绿,黑,白。They will also begin to speak and read simple sentences such as 我喜欢红色,我不喜欢黑色。
Y2- We have finished about Body Parts. Children should be able to describe the person with 高,矮,胖, 瘦。Now we have been busy learning about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. They have had opportunities to listen to stories and learn songs that are related to CNY.
Y3- We have finished learning Pin Yin. We also finished 有趣的汉字and we put up on the display board outside the Mandarin room. We are working on Chinese Made Easy workbook 1.
Y4- We have completely finished the Chinese Made Easy Book 1. We will start CME 2 after making connections during Mandarin to their UOI in class (How purpose affects the design of structures) by making inquiries and creating artwork of the traditional Chinese courtyard design.
Y5- We are on chapter 20 猫和老鼠。In February, students will be linking Mandarin to the Big Business unit in the classroom by working on advertising posters/slogans and drama scripts in Mandarin.
Y6- We have done lots of creative writing during the Mandarin lessons. We are going to revise the vocab before the benchmark in March.
Y1- Students have finished their unit of “My body”. Our next topic will be “Colours”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different colours in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 红,黄,蓝,绿,黑,白。They will also begin to speak and read simple sentences such as 我喜欢红色,我不喜欢黑色。
Y2- The children have been learning a lot of Chinese characters through pictographs. They should be able to recognise characters of: 飞,爬,鸟,虫,鱼,游 etc. And they have learned a rhyme and a song with the characters. Now they have started learning about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. They have had opportunities to listen to stories and learn songs that are related to CNY.
Y3- Students in Year Three have learned the texts (中文2)“为什么”,“小好奇” ,“种子”。Now they have started learning about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. They have had opportunities to listen to stories and learn songs that are related to CNY. They also participate in a lot of role plays.
Y4- Students in Year Four have finished learning “蔡伦造纸”,“古代的纸” and “壶盖为什么会动” 。Students will also be making connections during Mandarin to their UOI in class (How purpose affects the design of structures) by making inquiries and creating artwork of the traditional Chinese courtyard design.
Y5- Students have started learning about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year. They have had opportunities to listen to stories and learn songs that are related to CNY. They also participate in a lot of role plays. In February, students will be linking Mandarin to the Big Business unit in the classroom by working on advertising posters/slogans and drama scripts in Mandarin.
Y6- We have been practising a lot of listening comprehension with various resources in Mandarin: questions and answers, songs, fun talk, stories etc. They also participate in a lot of role plays. They will continue to do a lot of listening, reading and writing practice.
Getting organised for Mandarin lessons
If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.
Home Learning
- All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
- Home learning is now given out in the year group weekly update under the heading Home Learning. It is the responsibility of the students to check the weekly update and make sure that they finish their home learning before the due date.
- The amount of home learning varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, reading storybooks, writing book reports etc. Some classes will have weekly written tasks while other classes may be given oral practice only.
- Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your home learning on time.
Taking Care of Books
The replacement costs for books lost are as follows:
- Chinese Made Easy textbook $250 each
- Chinese Made Easy activity book $150 each
- 小学华文 $100 each
- 中文 $100 each
- Other Chinese books $ 75 each
- Mandarin folders $25 each