Mandarin Monthly Update #4
Y1 – Students have finished their unit of “Family”. Our next topic will be “My Body”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different parts of their body in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 口,眼,耳,眼 and 鼻。
Y2 – Students in Year Two have learnt a poem 小鸟自由地飞。Please encourage them to practise writing these words at home – 自飞里爬游林,马牛羊鱼虫草,黑白绿红蓝。
Y3 – Students in Year Three have learnt 我喜欢打篮球。They are beginning to use a wider range of phrases and sentences when talking about their hobbies/activities. 你知道我喜欢做什么吗? 我喜欢…我也喜欢…我在… 踢球,游泳,跳绳…跳舞等等。
Y4 – Students in Year Four will investigate a number of Chinese festivals and celebrations such as 国庆节,中秋节,儿童节和教师节 in order to understand how people celebrate these events.
Y5 – Students in Year Five will participate in various class activities such as role plays, vocabulary games and online games in the unit of ‘Food”. They will also be collaborating with a partner to design a Chinese/Western/Japanese restaurant menu in Mandarin.
Y6 – Students in Year Six are now learning about numbers (up to five digit numbers). Working in pairs, they will use their knowledge of date and weather to produce a weather forecast and present it to class in Mandarin.
Y1 – Students have finished their unit of “Family”. Our next topic will be “My Body”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different parts of their body in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 口,眼,耳,眼 and 鼻。
Y2- We are learning about Body Parts. Children should be able to describe the person with 高,矮,胖, 瘦。
Y3- We have finished learning Pin Yin. Next topic will be 有趣的汉字。 We will look at historical development of Chinese characters. This is always a fun topic for the children.
Y4- We have finished the topic 文具 Stationery. Students should be able to tell what’s in the school bag and pencil case.
Y5- We are on chapter 17 新加坡拉,祖屋歌,爷爷的童年
Y6- The children have been producing one piece of composition each week and we are also working on 中文 6 at same time. We are also using the 四字成语 to describe a person.
Y1- Students have finished their unit of “Family”. Our next topic will be “My Body”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different parts of their body in Mandarin and begin to read Chinese characters such as 口,眼,耳,眼 and 鼻。
Y2- The children have been learning 天气(weather). They should be able to talk about weather in simple Mandarin expressions. They should also be able to read a mini-book “天气“ in Mandarin.
Y3- Students in Year Three have learned the texts (中文2)“月亮会不会跟我走”,“弯弯的月亮” 。The students should be able to distinguish similar characters like “蓝/篮,亮/高, 那/哪,住/往“ etc. They also hear and read stories, and share their readings in class.
Y4- Students in Year Four have finished learning “小猫钓鱼” and “小白猫和小黑猫” 。They also hear and read more stories in Mandarin in class。.
Y5- We have been learning about “clothes” and “weather” . The students should be able to talk about different weather and the clothes they are wearing in Mandarin. They also practise vocabulary recognition as well as strokes of writing.
Y6- We have covered the topics of “天气“ and ”衣服“。The students did a recount writing about their camp “露营“。They will continue to do a lot of reading and writing practice.
Getting organised for Mandarin lessons
If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.
Home Learning
- All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
- Home learning is now given out in the year group weekly update under the heading Home Learning. It is the responsibility of the students to check the weekly update and make sure that they finish their home learning before the due date.
- The amount of home learning varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, reading storybooks, writing book reports etc. Some classes will have weekly written tasks while other classes may be given oral practice only.
- Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your home learning on time.
Taking Care of Books
The replacement costs for books lost are as follows:
- Chinese Made Easy textbook $250 each
- Chinese Made Easy activity book $150 each
- 小学华文 $100 each
- 中文 $100 each
- Other Chinese books $ 75 each
- Mandarin folders $25 each