26 Aug 2016

Learning Technology Monthly Update #1

Our new Year 1 students have now all attended one ICT lesson in The Cloud. Over the coming weeks we will be introducing the students to an app on iPad called MyStory that allows them to create their own story books with drawings, photos, text and recordings. We will also begin to introduce the students to using the laptops. To learn simple touchpad control and keyboard input we will be exploring some of the puzzles available in the first levels of studio.code.org

In Year 2 the students have started to use the computers for logging in to their accounts. We are also very excited that Year 2 students are the first to use our new fitness tracking bands to tie in with their current unit. Students in each Year 2 class will wear the fitness tracker for a week while they are at school. In lessons they will then be downloading the fitness data from the band and analysing their activity over the week. As this will be a rotation between each class the other classes will be learning an iPad app called Book Creator in the other session.

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Students in Year 3 have just received their brand new Chromebooks that they will be using throughout this year. There is one Chromebook per student now in every Year 3 class. These will be used for all sorts of activities across different subject areas. In ICT lessons we will be learning about the computer and how to navigate it. Students will also be making stop motion animations using their computers.

Students in Year 4 will be learning a new animating tool called Powtoon over the coming weeks. This will be used to create an animation to present as part of their sharing unit. Students are encouraged to log in to powtoon.com at home and have a practice with it if time allows. After completing the work on Powtoon the students will be setting up their Google Classroom for this year and looking at online environments for learning.


The students in Year 5 and Year 6 will be learning about digital citizenship and how we appear and can be responsible in our interactions with others online. This will involve both collaborative and individual tasks using Google Apps tools and Google Classroom. Students will also create an online learning blog that they will begin posting to and learn about a tool for assembling online resources called Blendspace.

The students in Year 5 and Year 6 will be learning about digital citizenship and how we appear and can be responsible in our interactions with others online. This will involve both collaborative and individual tasks using Google Apps tools and Google Classroom. Students will also create an online learning blog that they will begin posting to and learn about a tool for assembling online resources called Blendspace.

 All students at BHS have various accounts for logging in to different systems. Depending on the Year level of your child, they will have these in their school diaries. It is always encouraged to practice logging in to these accounts from home. It helps students learn their passwords and get faster at logging in but it also gives access to a range of learning resources that students can use at home as well.