Learning Technology Monthly Update #1
Y2 Students creating artwork using flames
In Year 3 students have made a positive start with their new 1:1 Chromebooks. In years 3 – 6 all students have their own Chromebook in school that they will use across many curriculum areas.
In the coming weeks we will be using Chromebooks with Scratch Jr to create a coded sequence that tells a story. The idea of objects in a scene passing information to each other is a fundamental coding concept that we will be reinforcing.
In Year 4 our students have moved on to their second year of having a 1:1 Chromebook and have done great with getting themselves started straight away. We have been doing some digital citizenship work to make sure everyone understands our responsibilities with technology. In the next few weeks we will be learning some different animating tools to present learning. These will include both photography based animation and digitally created characters.
Students in Year 5 have made a great start to the new school year. They have been working on some shared posters explaining responsible behaviour with their 1:1 Chromebooks. In the coming weeks we will be looking at a number of digital art tools. Some of these are software pieces but others will be physical devices and objects they will be building.
Classes in Year 6 will be receiving their new 1:1 Chromebook next week that was delayed slightly in their arrival. We are very pleased that these are the first touchscreen, 2-in-1 devices our students will have and feel they will be a fantastic tool for the students this year. Year 6 will be the first of our students to begin using our new MakeBlock robotics equipment starting in the next couple of weeks. Using this platform they will be creating a drawing machine that they will code with their Chromebooks.