
Inclusion is at the heart of Beacon Hill School.

We have spent time addressing what inclusion means to us.

Inclusion at Beacon Hill School is defined by 4 key principles:

  • Belonging – Students have a genuine connection and sense of belonging within the Beacon Hill Community. 
  • Engagement – Students are active participants in purposeful learning.
  • Success – Students articulate and celebrate their strengths, stretches and achievements.
  • Independence – Students demonstrate independence in their attitudes and approaches to learning.


These 4 concepts now drive all our decisions around Inclusive practise


We teach children to be advocates for their own learning and to choose appropriate strategies and supports depending to allow them to experience success. They are encouraged to discover their strengths and stretches.

All of our children are encouraged to be proud of their identity and to embrace diversity.

Through our whole class teaching, assemblies and units of inquiry, we are encouraging our children to be tolerant and respectful of differences.

To help unpack identity, we all start the year with our Who We Are unit and the same central idea- Everyone can flourish in our learning community.


We have 21 spaces reserved at our school for children with more moderate learning needs. Each class has at least one or two children who require an extra level of support to help them access their learning. We have an Inclusion team who helps the class teachers and Educational Assistants to remove barriers to learning for all children and to work alongside our families to support.