Newsletter #36
Beacon Hill School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out about the latest news around the school and upcoming events.
Message from Brenda
Useful Forms
Around BHS
Other News
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students
We are now into the swing of learning and teaching. Students and staff are getting familiar with our new ways of working. Thanks for your support in helping your child with this too.
Mask Holders
We have a growing number of children not bringing a mask holder, envelope or container to school and we are running low on envelopes in school to provide any spares. Please ensure your child has a container or envelope to use each day. There are many recyclable models in the markets that can be purchased at a reasonable price. Thanks for helping us with this.
Government Mask
The second mask has arrived for your child. It will be sent home in your child’s school bag this week.
Timetable for your child until the end of the year
You will have received a note yesterday from your child’s phase leader about the timetable until the end of this term. Please note that due to Year 6 Graduation and needing to change the hall set up for this and disband the canteen, all Year 1-5 students will be engaged in distance learning on Wednesday 24 June (last day of term). Teachers will ensure they say their fond farewells on your child’s last day in school that week.
Calendar for Next Year
Please find the calendar for the 2020/21 academic year HERE. Please note that Thursday 13th August will be the first day back for all year 2-6 students. Having two full CPD days prior to the start of the term will allow us to do necessary training that we were unable to complete this year due to school closure.
Susan Chung will communicate with all new year 1 parents for 2020/21 to advise on return dates and times as part of the induction process for our new year 1 students.
Kind regards,
Brenda Cook
Medical Authorisation Form
Please click HERE
Student Withdrawal Form
Please click HERE
Year 5 Market Day
December 12th 2019
You may remember the Year 5s held a Market Day for the rest of the school just before Christmas. Students demonstrated their understanding of how businesses operate by taking on a variety of roles in their model businesses. The unit included a lot of mathematics, art, design, manufacture, advertising and problem-solving. With much hard work, determination, discounts and special offers the Year 5 students raised a staggering $35,992.20. This money will be presented to ‘Impact HK’ to help them continue the amazing work they do for the people of Hong Kong. We are very proud of the fantastic efforts of the Year 5 children. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported the market day.
The Year 5 Team
Online Cyber Safety
Susie Mclean has just launched a “10 week Keeping Safe in Cyberspace Education” series. It is provided free of charge. There are 10 videos, one per week on a Monday night 8pm AEST and then every second Wednesday. Susie will run a Facebook live event where parents and children can sit together to learn. There is an information video HERE.