3 Mar 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 23

  • Thursday 9th  / Friday 10th March -UOI Business Presentations Children will come to school wearing smart business like clothing on the day of their presentations (exact timings will be shared with the children early next week)
  • Week Beginning 13th March – Book Week
  • Thursday 16th March – Year 5 Market Day
  • Friday 24th March – International Food Fair
  • Friday 31st March – end of Term 2, 12pm finish

Stock takes have been completed, market research analysed and production has begun. It’s been a very busy and industrious week for our year 5s, as they continue to build their businesses. The enthusiasm and ownership displayed by the students has been amazing as they fully commit themselves to making a profit for the Emmanuel Kindergarten Charity. It has been great to see them all pulling together to apply their learning from writing, information literacy, and maths lessons, as they prepare their business portfolios ready for next week’s presentations.



Central Idea:

There are many factors at work in a market place

    Next week, the business groups will continue to work on their business plans and preparations for their business presentations. They will be presenting to a panel of experts who will ask questions about how they are working together, their product choices, marketing campaigns and pricing decisions.


All their knowledge of persuasive texts will be put into action this week as they complete and launch their advertising campaigns across the school. We are excited to see the range of creative ideas and hope to have posters, leaflets, radio and even some tv adverts ready to attract potential buyers ready to purchase our products on Market Day.





Gather examples of adverts and identify some of the persuasive techniques you observed being used.  Whilst in the supermarket, look at some of the promotions on offer.  Take pictures of these promotions and make predictions about which one you think will carry the biggest saving.  Were you right?  What impact did the choice of language have on your prediction.  Create a google doc showing these examples and share them with your teacher.  You may need to bring in the examples of the adverts you found, but don’t forget to identify the techniques used.

Children may also bring home individual tasks connected to their business group. This may once preparing to the presentations, so please take time to chat with your child about how their groups are progressing and how they are feeling about presenting.

Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

At Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Please return any sold raffle tickets and remember more can always be requested.