15 Sep 2016

Year 3 Update Wk 5


  • Friday 16th September: Public Holiday – School closed
  • Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th September: Parent Consultations.  Please sign up on the Gateway.
  • Tuesday 4th October: Camp information evening – 6pm
  • Thursday 6th & Friday 7th October: BHS CPD Day – School closed
  • Monday 10th – 15th October: Mid-Term Holidays
  • Monday 17th October: ESF CPD Day – School closed



All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!

Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.

The Year 3 children enjoyed exploring the Mid-Autumn Festival market. This has set the tone for the long weekend ahead!

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We wish all families a very happy, relaxing, safe and
dry Mid-Autumn Festival.

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The children have been working hard on their preparation for their summative assessment in UOI. They are looking forward to sharing their learning with a Year 6 buddy next week.

The children have enjoyed learning all about rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Please encourage your child to share their knowledge in maths with you.

Children will be borrowing books from school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Monday and Friday the children will read an online book from Reading Express.



Next week the children will continue preparing for their summative assessment which will involve sharing their learning with a Year 6 buddy.

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Please talk to your child about the signs and symbols they see in the community. Discuss the significance of the colours and shape.

Our lines of inquiry are:

  • How signs and symbols facilitate effective communication
  • How The Arts can be used to communicate
  • The reasons and impact for communicating in different ways (causation)
Next week the children will continue to explore positional and directional language e.g left turn, right turn, straight on, forwards and backwards.
Encourage your child to use this when they are out and about.
The children will also learn about renaming numbers. E.g 1500 can be renamed as 15 hundreds.
Place Value  

Central Idea: The base 10 place value system is used to represent numbers and number relationships

The children will learn to:

  • Apply place value to partition and rename four digit numbers
  • Recognise, model, represent and order four digit numbers (position four digit numbers on a number line, read four digit numbers, write numbers using digits and words, compare and order four digit numbers)
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100

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New tasks have been set in relation to Place Value and Symmetry. Please encourage your child to log on and complete tasks as part of their home learning.


The children will use the features of a recount text to write a personal recount for their summative assessment.

Ask your child about the features of a recount.

We will continue to review the features of this text type over the next few weeks.
Image result for reading eggspress
Reading Eggspress login details and passwords can be found in your child’s diary. 

3D Charlotte Cheung

3A Jafar Wong

3M Jayda Ngan

Mandarin Chloe Schroeder




Please help support your child with this week’s home learning task which can be found in their folders.
Home learning will be set on a Wednesday and returned on the following Monday.

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