Year 1 Update – Wk 4
This week the Year 1 students have all enjoyed their first week of UOI rotations where they have had the opportunity to work their way around six different structured play activities linked to our current Unit of Inquiry: People have abilities and interests who form who they are. In their classes, the children worked with their teachers thinking about their strengths in and outside of the classroom and things they have learnt to do.They enjoyed working with Miss Chung making cut and stick characters to show things that they are good at. They also had a great time playing with their Year 1 friends in the Shared Area and outside in the sand and water trays.
This week the children also enjoyed their first PMP lessons with Mr Teahan and their class teachers. In their lessons this week they have been focusing on hand-eye co-ordination through throwing and catching, balancing skills and memory skills.
Thank you to all the parents who have helped with both UOI Rotations and PMP this week. Without your support, we would be unable to run these highly important programs for the children.
Home Reader Book Routine
The children have all made a great start to their home reading and seem very keen to change their books each day. Please remember that your child will not be able to take a new home reader home unless we have a signature in the diary to acknowledge that the book has been read and that there is a book bag to take the books home in. The book bag needs to be brought to school everyday to make sure that all the books are all taken home in the best condition, not just on Learning Centre days now.
PE and PMP
A quick reminder that the children should wear their BHS PE kit on their class PE and PMP days. Please make sure that all of their PE kit is named including their shoes and socks.
1F – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
1L – Monday, Tuesday and Friday
1W – Monday, Wednesday and Friday
All of the children have coped well with the the new lunchtime routines and are eating well. At lunchtimes, we have been focussing on good table manners such as, sitting down to eat and not talking with our mouths full. We have also been encouraging the children to use please and thank you when asking for help at lunchtimes and in the class in general.
As we are encouraging the children to be as independent as possible, please can you make sure that your child is able to open their own lunchbox and that the tops of the food containers are not put on too tight for the children.
Central Idea: People have abilities and interests who form who they are.
This week the children have been thinking about their own strengths as a learner and have been making little flip book pages showing what they think they are good at, at school and at home. It has been lovely to listen to the children be so positive about their own achievements and the things that they feel they do well at.
Next week we will continue with this focus by looking at what makes a good learner and finding out about the different ways in which we learn new things. We will be focussing on the concept of perseverance, looking at how we can all take risks in our learning and how working together can help us to learn new things.
Ms Jeves has continued to work with all the Year 1 classes this week looking at questioning and how to use the questions words, who, what, where, why, how and when. Curious learners ask good questions about the world around them so this is a skill that we can be encouraging and supporting at school and at home.
In our Maths lessons next week we will be focussing on measuring length using non-standard measures such as, cubes. We will begin the unit by sharing stories and poems linked to length and the children will then have the opportunity to measure length through a range of practical activities such as, measuring their hands, their feet and measuring the length of different classroom objects.
This week in English the children have been introduced to the word “I” and have been writing simple sentences about what they like and what they are good at. Next week, the children will start Writer’s Workshop where they will have the opportunity to write about something that they love. We will be introducing the children to the idea of what good writers do and looking at how writer’s come up with ideas for their writing.
Next week we will continue to blend and segment words using our first set of phonemes.
Phonemes: s m p t g a o c
Camera Words: I are the she was to
Congratulations to all our Golden Book winners for this week.
1F – Olivia Bi
1L – Jake Webster
1W – Clarence Kei
Information Literacy – Andrea Ma and Alistair Cheuk 1L