9 Oct 2015

Year 5 Update Wk 8

Important Dates
  • Monday 12th October- Whole School Photo
  • Monday 12th October- 5Y Class Photo
  • Monday 12th October- 5P Class Photo
  • Tuesday 13th October- 5A Class Photo

Wednesday 14th October- Camp Information Evening 7- 8pm

Please note that October half term dates are:

Monday 19th October and children return back to school on Monday 26th October.

For Unit 2 children will have Dance on a Wednesday- please ensure they wear PE on this day.

5Y change of class assembly date- Our assembly will now be on Friday 26th February 2016.

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Year 5 have begun their new unit about human Migration. In order to provoke the students interest we have had a number of guest speakers in this week to share their migration stories. This has allowed the children to start thinking about the reasons behind, challenges and opportunities within migration. Thank you to everyone who came in, it was lovely to meet you all and have a chance to learn from your feedback and comments.

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where we are in place and time

Central Idea: Migration can have an impact on people and society.

Lines of Inquiry: 

  • Migration throughout history.
  • The reasons why people migrate.
  • The challenges, risks and opportunities of migration.

We will continue to explore our Migration unit through our rotations in Music, Art, Dance and Drama. Our dance specialist will be in next week to help us to support the children in developing their dance to represent the stages of Migration.Migration


Strand Maths:

Our work on construction of 3D shapes will conclude this week and children will be assessed on their learning from this unit.

World Maths Day – Wednesday 14th October – children will compete against other schools around the world in a variety of maths games and competitions.

We will be exploring the language and layout features of personal recounts and free verse. Children will be build their knowledge of poetic devices such as similes and metaphors.



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As your children are now in the upper school, they are expected to be completing 30-45 minutes of homework each night. This will be made up of: approx 15-20 minutes reading with an adult, 10-15 spelling work, and their weekly assigned task.

This week’s homework:

This week’s homework is to look at free verse, discuss and complete the questions on the sheet provided.

Please be reminded that Swimming continues next week