11 Sep 2015

Year 5 Update Wk 4

Wednesday, 16th September – Guest Speaker Mr Tim Conroy-Stocker (ESF Ed. Psychologist)

Thursdays the 17th Sept, 8th, 15th & 29th Oct. – Swimming

Friday, 18th September – 5P Class Assembly 9:00am



To Do

Please remember that children are to wear their PE kit on Thursday next week for swimming. Each child needs to bring:

  • flip flops
  • $5 coin
  • goggles
  • sun cream
  • towel
  • water bottle

Please make sure that your child brings their swimsuit to school rather than wearing it as as they will change at the pool. 

Please remember to bring book bags into school on your Learning Centre day: 5Y- Friday, 5A & 5P- Tuesday


5P are busy preparing for their assembly. In English this week we have continued to deconstruct narrative texts and identify key features such as description of character and setting. In Strand Maths this past week we have been focusing on identifying types of angles and practising using a protractor to both measure and draw angles.

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are

Central Idea: Developing skills may help us to learn about ourselves and help us to interact better with others.

Lines of Inquiry: 

  • Mindful attention and its impact
  • The relationship between our sense, bodies and the way we think
  • Ways to apply mindful behaviours

Next week we shall explore different acts of kindness and how they can help up to interact positively with others. Year 5 will begin to plan personalised tool belts made up of strategies chosen by the students. These strategies should help towards developing their personal and social skills. Our guest speaker Tim Conroy- Stocker will be visiting Year 5 on Wednesday to further develop their mindful strategies.



Strand MathsTo help consolidate the children’s understanding of how to accurately measure angles we will be applying our skills towards regular polygon shapes.

Number Maths:

Mrs Pickering: Continue rounding whole and decimal numbers. Apply knowledge of place value to rename numbers to 1 000 000.

Ms Younie: Recognise, model and order decimal fractions to hundredths or beyond.

Mrs Angell: Consolidating their understanding to recognise, model and order decimal fractions to hundredths or beyond.

Mr Pheasant: Recognise, model, round and order decimal fractions to thousandths.

Over the past few weeks we have developing the children’s knowledge of features of narrative text. The children will begin to apply their knowledge by planning their own modern narrative text with mindfulness as a central theme. Each student will use a differentiated planner to help structure their stories.






5A – Haye Shie: For being kind and caring towards his classmates. Keep it up Haye!

5Y –Allister Kim: For always contributing valuable points to our class discussion.

5P – Jamie Craven: For his great effort and focus in dance lessons. 


As your children are now in the upper school, they are expected to be completing 30-45 minutes of homework each night. This will be made up of: approx 15-20 minutes reading with an adult, 10-15 spelling work, and their weekly assigned task.

This week’s homework:

Homework this week is to look at the effect the author can have on the reader through vocabulary and punctuation as well as looking at the effect of a flashback sentence and verb tense. Please complete the double sided English task by Wednesday.



Contacting Us:

We can be contacted via the following emails:

Mrs Angell: colleen.angell@bhs.edu.hk

Mrs Pickering: helen.pickering@bhs.edu.hk

Ms Younie: tamar.younie@bhs.edu.hk

Ms Davis: colette.davis@bhs.edu.hk

Mr Pheasant: chad.pheasant@bhs.edu.hk