Year 3 Update Wk 39
Please make sure your child’s Portfolio is returned to school on Monday 20th June
On Monday 20th June, your child will meet their teacher for the next academic year. They will bring home a letter containing this information.
If you are leaving for the summer holiday before the 24th June please let your class teacher know.
Thank you to the parents who generously volunteered their time to present information about their occupation to the Year 3 children.
All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Photos from Dreams Come True can be found HERE.
Central Idea: In a workplace people collaborate to work towards a common purpose
*Different work places and the roles people have
*The connections between people in a work place
*Systems that support collaboration in the workplace
The children will conclude their inquiry into different professions and workplaces. They will then perform a dramatic presentation about how people collaborate in a chosen workplace.
The children will be learning about chance and probability.
They will:
* Describe the likelihood of activities and events using appropriate vocabulary (likely, unlikely, certain, impossible)
* Identify and describe possible outcomes
Investigate, describe and represent patterns with numbers and other symbols
Identifying missing elements in patterns
Identify and describe patterns in odd and even numbers
Click on the link below and play the function machine!
Persuasive Writing
The children will look at how persuasive language can be used effectively during a debate.
Can you persuade a child to buy your cereal?
Design your own cereal box
Please continue to read and discuss books with your child on a daily basis.
Number Patterns