20 May 2016

Year 3 Update Wk 35


PTA Quiz : Thursday 26th May at 3pm

Summer Music concert : Friday 27th May at 7pm

Public Holiday – School closed : Thursday 9th June

BHS CPD Day – School closed : Friday 10th June

Year 3 Bake Sale : Tuesday 14th June

End of School Year : Friday 24th June at 12:00






Our next Central Idea is : In a workplace people collaborate to work towards a common purpose

If you are willing to come into school to present what your job is about to the Year 3 children, please contact your class teacher. If your workplace would offer a good learning experience for children, we would be keen to visit.

Thank you to those parents who have generously volunteered their time. You will receive a letter with further details next week.

All children need a hat for break, lunch times and PE lessons. Please ensure they are clearly labelled. NO HAT, NO PLAY!

Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.

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Central Idea: In a workplace people collaborate to work towards a common purpose


*Different work places and the roles people have

*The connections between people in a work place

*Systems that support collaboration in the workplace


The children will be discussing the different roles and responsibilities people have at BHS and how they collaborate and work towards a common goal. They will also be inquiring into the roles and responsibilities of different professions.


2D and 3D Shape
Shapes and vocabulary are useful for representing objects in real-world situations
Lines of Inquiry
Sort, describe, compare and label regular and irregular 2D shapes and 3D objects using appropriate vocabulary
Construct 3D objects and recognise them in different orientations
Pattern and function
pattern 1
Patterns can be observed, described and represented using numbers and other symbols
Lines of Inquiry

Investigate, describe and represent patterns with numbers and other symbols

Identifying missing elements in patterns

Identify and describe patterns in odd and even numbers



Click on the link below and play the function machine!


Please encourage your child to complete the Mathletics activities set.


Persuasive Writing




The children will share some persuasive texts such as advertisements and will also look at examples in visual literacy. 

They will look at effective language to use in order to advertise a product.




Please continue to read and discuss books with your child on a daily basis.




3K Chloe Chung , 3H Alex Siu , 3D Jeremy Wong

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Persuasive Writing

 Homework 1    Homework 2