Year 3 Update Wk 25
- Green Week – Monday 14th March
- International Food Fair – Friday 18th March
- Junior Choir Easter Concert – Tuesday 23rd March
- Year 3 Sharing day – Wednesday 23rd March
- School finishes for Easter Break – 24th March at 12:00md
- Term 3 Begins – Monday 11th April
We are still missing some ‘Student Continuation Letter’ replies. Please make sure you return them as soon as possible.
The Sharing day will be on Wednesday 23rd March. It will run from approx. 9am-11am and every child will need an adult to share their learning with. As children have the right to express themselves freely they can come to school dressed in their own clothes on this day.
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather. It is a good idea to wear layers of clothing that can be taken off, rather than wearing many layers under their uniform. The children are getting very sweaty in the classroom and this effects their learning.
Well done to all the children in Year 3 who remember to bring fruit and vegetables to school for snack on ‘Fruity Friday’.
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Central Idea
Children have rights that are not always met
Lines of inquiry:
- Difference between needs and wants (Perspective)
- Children’s rights and responsibilities ( Responsibility)
- How children’s rights are protected (Reflection)
The children will be reflecting on their experiences with their flour baby and how this entailed a sense of responsibility. Thank you for supporting them when they took the flour baby home.
The children will continue to look at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and think about the responsibilities they have. They will inquire deeper into the different rights and show their understanding through poetry and art.
The children will continue to explore why some children do not have their rights met and they will be looking further into who protects them and organisation that protect children around the world.
Central Idea
Fractions are ways of representing equal parts of a whole
Lines of inquiry
- Fractions of shapes
- Fractions of amounts
- Making and comparing simple fractions
The children will continue work on fractions of shape and quantities. They will also be adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
Central Idea
Standard units allow us to have a common language to measure objects.
The children will continue work on measurement by solving real life problems involving standard units of measure.
To entertain, guide, teach and stimulate.
Children will be looking at the different features of narrative.
This includes:
- Creating a title
- Structure . . . Opening, Build-up, Complication, Resolution and Ending
- Characters
- Setting
The children will plan and create stories linked to endangered species. They will be encouraged to include dialogue in their story using appropriate punctuation.