Year 3 Update Wk 22
- Crossroads Trip Year 3 – Wednesday 24th February – Deli-Fresh meals have been cancelled.
- Learning Technology Parent workshop – Tuesday 23rd February : 6:30pm
- Student Led Conferences – Friday 4th March
- Green Week – Monday 14th March
- International Food Fair – Friday 18th March
The children all had a wonderful time at sports day and were able to participate in a variety of activities. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and support.
Thank you for all the donations of stationery and money for our trip to Crossroads on Wednesday. Please remember to wear school uniform and bring water, snack and lunch (Deli-fresh has been cancelled). 3H will need to wear PE kit as they have PE on their return.
All the Year 3 children now have a weekly Dance session led by Rosie Martin. This means that 3K children will need to wear PE kit on Wednesday and Thursday. 3D children will need to wear PE kit on Monday and Wednesday. 3H children will need to wear PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Sharing day will be on Wednesday 23rd March. It will run from approx. 9am-11am and every child will need an adult to share their learning with.
Raffle Tickets for our International Food Fair have been sent home please send them back as soon as possible.
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather. It is a good idea to wear layers of clothing that can be taken off, rather than wearing many layers under their uniform. The children are getting very sweaty in the classroom and this effects their learning.
Well done to all the children in Year 3 who remember to bring fruit and vegetables to school for snack on ‘Fruity Friday’.
Please remember that we have a no nut policy at BHS due to some children having severe allergies. This includes peanut butter sandwiches and nuts in cookies or cakes.
Central Idea
Children have rights that are not always met
Lines of inquiry:
- Difference between needs and wants (Perspective)
- Children’s rights and responsibilities ( Responsibility)
- How children’s rights are protected (Reflection)
The children will continue to look at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and think about the responsibilities they have. They will inquire deeper into the different rights and show their understanding through poetry and art.
The children will start to explore why some children do not have their rights met and reflect on their trip to Crossroads.
Central Idea
Fractions are ways of representing equal parts of a whole
Lines of inquiry
- Fractions of shapes
- Fractions of amounts
- Making and comparing simple fractions
The children will be creating pictures to demonstrate their understanding of how shapes can be divided into equal parts of a whole.
Central Idea
Standard units allow us to have a common language to measure objects.
We will use standard measures to estimate, measure and compare mass and capacity. The children will be looking at mathematical tools to measure capacity and mass.
Please encourage your children to look at the packaging of various items in your kitchen and bathroom to see how they have been measured.
To entertain, guide, teach and stimulate.
Children will be looking at the different features of narrative.
This includes:
- Creating a title
- Structure . . . Opening, Build-up, Complication, Resolution and Ending
- Characters
- Setting
The children will continue to break stories down into the different parts and develop their use of descriptive vocabulary.
Year 3 Maths Workshop
Your Maths Questions Answered!
Year 3 Parents, we had some terrific questions asked following our Maths Workshops which took place in November. The Maths team and other staff have provided some answers for you to read. Please be reminded that the powerpoint of the workshop can be found on the BHS Home Page within communication/presentations.
1.How to apply the things just learnt?
Our weekly update contains ongoing information about what is happening in the classroom and there is often a link to a website to support the children’s learning.
2. I want to know more about Nice & Nasty?
Six variations of this game can be found on the NRICH site, the link is:
The children in Year 3 who received place value dice, (organised by Karls mother) were so excited that we will compile a booklet containing other dice games that can be played at home.
3. How do we improve basic Maths facts?
The online competition on Mathletics is a great way to improve basic Maths facts. Once a child can immediately answer the problems at one level, with no hesitation, they should move onto the next.
At school short practice sessions occur, sometimes more than once during the day. Such sessions may involve the children responding to problems using their whiteboard and often take the form of games.
4. How should we help our children at home in relation to problem solving skills?
Try and involve your child with every day examples of Maths Problems.
Eg: Dinner is at 7.30pm it is now 6.15pm. How much longer until dinner?
A ticket for the morning film is $45. How much will it cost for the whole family to go?
There are 12 socks in the washing basket. How many pairs of socks is that?
I am sure you can think of many more!
5. Will teach the vertical strategy for calculation?
Yes, this is one of the written strategies that is taught.
6. Will it be better if they can memorize “Time tables” early?
Yes. The children are practising these in class and a song for each times table is on Mathletics.
7. Is Kumon good for my child?
Kumon is one approach to Mathematics, and it supports rote learning of basic facts. This suits some learners but not all. If your child is more able at Maths, constant repetition of things they can already do is not useful. There are other programmes which have more of a focus on using and applying Maths and ask the children to explain their knowledge and the process they have used. This is also the focus in school.
8. How to use the Mathematics website?
All the children in Year 3 know how to use Mathletics. If your child is experiencing any problems please ask them to let their class teacher know.
9. How can I say to the kid in a nice way that will not hurt their feeling if their answer is wrong?
At school children are encouraged to learn from their mistakes rather than see them as being wrong. Work through the question together and see where the mistake was made.
10. Shall we buy exercise books for him to practice his Maths skills.
There are a variety of books available as well as online games and apps, choose those which are fun and enjoyable for you and your child.
11. Can the children use calculators in the class?
Calculators will be introduced to children later in the year.
12. Can the children play more Math games to replace the Mathematic activities in the class?
We have a good balance in the classroom of Mathematical activities and games.