Year 2 Update Wk 39
People record the features of places and environments in different ways to help us make sense of the world we live in.
Lines of Inquiry
- The variety of places and environments around the world. (form)
- The ways people record geographical features on maps (function)
- The relationship of our location to other parts of the world (connection)
Over the next week the children will continue to gather and collect information about different cities and countries within a continent. They have begun to compile a special fact- file with information about their chosen country. The children have been looking for details such as; the location and climate, a famous person and celebrations/holidays. They will also compare their chosen country to another place in the world. They will be using different sources to gather this information from child friendly search engines to Atlases and books on different countries from the library. We will be using Google Satellite and other sources to identify the reasons that cities and towns are located where they are. As we have been looking at the features of a mountain with Miss Jeves and on a map, we drew our own landscape picture using different media.
- Process- What thinking is needed?
- Feelings- How do I feel about this?
- Benefits- Why is this a good idea?
- Facts- What do I need to find out?
- Creativity-What new ideas are possible?
- Caution- What problems could arise?
No Reading
Fruity Friday
Every week at Beacon Hill we have ‘Fruity Friday’. Children are asked to bring a piece of fruit as their healthy snack.