17 Jun 2016

Year 2 Update Wk 39

This week the children have continued learning about the different continents and oceans, they have been creating their own fact-files filled with lots of information. The children have been enjoying their Information Literacy lessons with Ms Jeves, who has been working with them on the determining importance comprehension key. We have been introduced to some new concepts in Maths and been learning to create persuasive posters during Language time. On Wednesday we had lots of fun with Miss Chung when we used our measurement skills to prepare the food, drinks and gifts for the parent helper lunch. With Mr Teahan we have completed our football unit in PE. 


Week Beginning 13th June
2A Trinity Wong
2F Kaylee Fish
2M Liane Thang
Info Lit Alice Abagian Dall O
IMG_7639 (1)
Week Beginning 6th June
2A Tao Lam
2F Karan Mukhi Santino 
2M Savannah So
Info Lit Aadit Hirawat


No Reading

Daily Collection
Children are taken by their class teacher to the front steps at 2:55pm daily, to allow them to leave the building in a safe manner before 3:00pm which is when the Y4-6 classes are dismissed. Please ensure you are there for 2:55pm to pick up your child. Thank you.

Fruity Friday

Every week at Beacon Hill we have ‘Fruity Friday’. Children are asked to bring a piece of fruit as their healthy snack.