27 Nov 2015

PE Monthly Update #4

The Year Ones have almost finished their movement composition (gymnastics) unit. During this unit they have explored the different shapes we can make in gymnastics and they have learnt how to roll, jump and keep balanced.

In their PMP sessions they been working on their memory skills, balance, gross motor skills,  throwing and catching, balance and eye tracking. Ask them what their favourite station is.


The Year Twos are about to finish their movement composition (gymnastics) unit. Their focus was on using the skills learnt in Year 1 and put them together into gymnastics routines and sequences. They have created floor routines and beam sequences. They looked at combining jumping, rolling and balancing into their routines.



In their PMP sessions they been working on their memory skills, balance, gross motor skills,  throwing and catching, balance and eye tracking. Ask them what their favourite station is.

The Year Threes have nearly completed their gymnastics unit. They have put together sequences on the floor and using mats. They have created their own forwards and backwards sequences and made a combination of these. They have explored travelling on different planes and looked at how to transition between different parts of a sequence.

With their class teachers they have been looking at the link between forces and PE. They have visited the pitch and used rounders as a way of linking forces with their PE unit. They also visited Bounce where they were able to see the link between forces and trampolines.

The Year Fours have been looking at invasion games through the sport of basketball. They have learnt the skills needed to play basketball and have started using them in game situations. They have learnt about defending, attacking, marking and using the space on a court.

With their class teachers when they have been visiting the pitch the focus has been on tag rugby. They have also looked at how to defend and attack when playing rugby.

The Year 5s have been doing a movement composition unit for the past 6 weeks. The focus has been on on gymnastics and working on creating sequences that are smooth and combine different elements of gymnastics.

With their class teachers they have been looking at games and what is included in games. They have played a variety of games and have started creating their own games to teach to a small group of Year One students.

The Year 6s have almost completed their gymnastics unit. They have explored putting together sequences and focussed on the transition and skills side of the sequence. They have had a repeat lesson on cartwheels and then used a cartwheel in a simple sequence.

With their class teachers they have been learning a net/wall game with a focus on badminton. They learnt the basic skills and tactics of badminton and then used them in small sided games.