Mandarin Monthly Update #2
1H – Students have finished their units of “Greetings” and “Numbers from 1 to 10”. Our current topic is “Parts of the Body”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to name different parts of the body in Mandarin.
Year 2 – Students are learning the names of different strokes for writing Chinese characters. They are also practising to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order.
Year 3 – Students have been discussing the roles and responsibilities of members in the family.
Year 4 – Students have had opportunities to role play stories such as 狼来了and 诚实的孩子。They are also developing their skills in using a variety of sentence patterns during oral and written communication.
Year 5 – Students have been learning how to use 忽然,把,刚刚 in sentences. They will be looking at other language features, e.g. conjunctions.
Year 6 – Students are developing their skills in using an increasing range of strategies throughout the writing process, e.g. vocabulary knowledge, sentence structure knowledge.
1F We are learning about body parts. Children should be able to sing a body part song and read the related characters like:眼睛, 耳朵, 鼻子, 嘴巴, etc. At end of this topic children should be able to say the main body parts and write: 口, 耳, 手, 头。
Yr2 We have learned the body related characters and a rhyme. 我用我的手画, 我用我的眼看, 我用我的嘴吃(喝)etc.
Yr3 We are at the end of learning PIN YIN and we will be learning Chinese Made Easy chapter 3.
Yr4 we have just started the 2A 小学华文 chapter 1 我长大了。
Yr5 We are half way through the weather topic. Children are learning how to describe the weather in different countries.
Yr6 We have finished chapter 3 in 中文6。We have also been studying Chinese composition.
1G: We have learned Chinese numbers and using numbers to tell age. We have also learned about fruits. Children should be able to name some fruits in Mandarin and read characters like: 水果,吃,坐, etc. We have also practised writing Chinese characters in correct stroke order.
Year 2: After learning about fruits, we have just started the topic of “Being polite”. Students should be able to name some fruits in Mandarin and read characters like: 水果, 吃, 喝, 请, etc. We also practised writing Chinese characters in correct stroke order.
Year 3: We have started Chapter 4 “讲礼貌” (中文2). We also do a lot of practise on Chinese character recognition as well as strokes for writing.
Year 4: We have finished learning about family members including grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunties etc. We are learning about Chinese dates in Mandarin. Children should be able to talk about dates and birthday etc in Mandarin and to read characters like: 年, 月, 日, 生日, etc.
Year 5: After finishing learning “嫦娥奔月“,”神舟飞天“, we have started learning “曹冲称象”. Students will also learn about story writing.
Year 6: We have been learning and revising on the topics of “daily routine” “sports and hobbies” “Chinese festivals”, “school subjects and places” etc. Students also practise on reading comprehension as well as composition writing.
The Mid-Autumn Celebrations in BHS
Children had lots of fun shopping at the mid-autumn mini-market this year.
A big thank-you goes to the PTA and the parent volunteers who
helped to make this event successful!
Thank you for your support!
Getting organised for Mandarin lessons
If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.
- Homework is usually given out on Mondays and due a week later.
- Some classes will have weekly written homework while other classes may be given oral practice only.
- The amount of homework varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, class reading books, writing book reports, practise writing for dictations etc.
- Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your homework on time.